PrintABlok Skyforce Kickstarter Post Mortem

TL;DR: Now that this kickstarter is done, instead of prepping for another kickstarter in a year or less, I will be developing further PrintABlok sets for my Patreon backers on a monthly basis. Sign up there to get future PrintABlok sets. But more on that later. EDIT: I decided to go ahead and try to gather some data to answer …

PrintABlok:Beasts Kickstarter Post Mortem

The PrintABlok:Beasts kickstarter finished successfully in May 2021. This post mortem was written up right after it so the lessons of that kickstarter could be remembered. The models are modeled, tested, packaged up, delivered, repaired again, repackaged up, and finally delivered to all the backers. The post-kickstarter listings are in the shop. has been redirected back to those listings. …