Province. Sometimes giving up is the right answer

A while back I tried my hand at making a storage solution/playing surface for the micro game Province. My goal was to make something travel size but that you could play the game on and what I game up with was only marginally successful on both counts. The resultant board was too big to carry in any pocket but a …

Pocket Imperium Part 1. Huh, that worked

Sorry for the relative silence the past few weeks. I’ve had things I’m working on, but nothing in a finished, reportable state. I’ve also been having troubles with my printer (as usual) and I’m waiting until I fix them to report on that. However I’m getting a cascade of projects finishing up all at once, so this week expect at …

Hard Case for Coin Age

I may have an unhealthy obsession with Adam P. McIver’s Coin Age. First I came up with some 3D printed coins, because using quarters, nickles, pennies and dimes was too confusing for me, and the paper ones weren’t available. of course those coins needed a chest to carry them in..And now… I had the bright idea to make a little …

Printin’ and Playin’ Livestock Uprising Part 1

Livestock Uprising was one of the games at GenCon that really caught my attention. After all, escalation of resource gathering with an endgame where your forces Voltron together to for a giant super unit, how does that not appeal? However it’s not available just yet unless you want to do it yourself a bit, which I’m okay with. But I …

Scanning with a Kinect part 2

Link to part 1. In my continued effort to scan with the Kinect I got a spinning chair at a second hand store so I could mount the Kinect stationary while I spin my kids around to perform the scan. How did it work? Pretty good for the kids who can hold still while I spin them around slowly. For …

GenCon report

GenCon was a… singular experience. I’ve never been to a convention of any kind before. But when Just Game offered to let me man their booth for part of the con I decided “Why not? Maybe I could hand out some business cards and maybe drum up some side business.” I didn’t really know how huge GenCon was when I …

Scanning with a Kinect part 1

With the Kinect 2 coming out, that means I can finally afford some sort of 3D scanner. Yup, the original Kinect is now cheap enough that I can get one. The Kinect isn’t the best scanner out there, the original Kinect even less so. But it’s cheap. If you’re thinking of getting a Kinect for XBox 360 you’ll need an …

Prepairing for GenCon

I apologize for the folks who’s feathers were ruffled by my last post. My comments were meant purely in the context of people experiencing 3D printing from the outsize. But by those of us with 3D printers having the ability to make a custom widget to solve our problems is the most exciting part about 3D printing, and definitely not …