Solving 50 cent problems with 3D printing

In this picture the 5 in a star are the 3D printed copies of the other one that’s the original. This is another project you know I did not come pu with myself. This is a piece for an automatic weaving loom. A very little piece. But being so little they’re easy to lose. This is the loom. And on …

Successfully printing flexy

The mod to my bot to make my bot flexible friendly was successful. Of course printing ninjaflex also means slowing down, way down, from what I’m used to. But it works. So I printed a model that had long, tall sections, and learned that flexible prints need to be… sturdy. It’s kind of a no brainier now that I know …

Wood Wars mailing list

Want to be updated on Wood Wars 3D progress? Sign up here to learn more. If you’ve been following this blog you already know that my big project right now is Wood Wars and it’s quickly coming to a head. So I’ve decided to put together a mailing list. That means that while I may reference the mailing list here …

Introducing the Joenny

It’s actually been a pretty busy week, but nothing’s done enough to report on it. This should really wait a few days until I post part 3, but so that I have something between last week’s video and tomorrow’s video let me tell you about the Joenny. The Joenny is one of those Do-It-Yourself toys, only this one takes it …

Modeling a Mini Part 5 video

I was really hoping to wrap this series up with this video, but it’s going to go one longer. This video also answers the question of who won the STAB JOE contest. So tune in if you want to find out if you won. It wouldn’t be a Joe’s 3D Workbench video if it didn’t have technical problems. In this …

How I stole the Clug and why I don’t feel bad about it

Okay, full disclosure, I do feel a little bad about it. But hopefully you’ll see why I’m not beating myself up about it. A friend pointed me to a kickstarter for a bike holder called the clug. It was a cool idea. But the reason it showed up on my radar is because they 3D printed the prototypes and if …

Dentist office gas hook

Hot on the heels of solving a problem in the optometrist office, now I’ve got a solution for a similar problem my dentist office, too. In their  offices the happy gas breather thing didn’t have an official home. The techs and assistants were trying all sorts of things to store it but it usually was on the ground where it …

Wood Wars Boar

It took 2 hours to make the boar head and I’m guessing it took as long to make the rest of them. Probably more for the elk. Don’t know why I mention that. I just want it documented somewhere how long it takes to do this sort of work, not that I didn’t love every minute of it. The gang’s …

3D Printed knitting machine cast off needle

Apparently the 3D bent yarn needle project my mother asked me to do was a success. Honestly this isn’t something I would have thought of myself. And as I said before I probably should have just told my mother to use a heat gun and a tin can when she asked if I could do produce with 3D printing a …

Wood Wars Wolf Archer

On the left, the new wolf head on the old soldier body. On the right, on a new archer body. Nailed the overhangs on this one, it prints without any slop, and I think it looks great. I really enjoy playing with distinct looks for each of the heads. The bear is almost spherical, the deer is aloof and antlered, …