3D printed L Bracket Drawer Repair

The particle board behind my daughters drawer did what particle board does over time. So instead of running to the store to get some L brackets to fix it I decided to try 3D printing them. Learning from last time I decided to search Yeggi first. Couldn’t find exactly what I wanted, though I did find an interesting project, so …

Smoothing PLA part 1

ABS smooths easy. Easy to get acetone in a container with your print, heat it up if you don’t want to wait very long, and you’re done. But I discovered PLA is not so easy to smooth, and there’s a lot of conflicting information online. I heard someone say MEK and MEK substitute works just like acetone on PLA. I …

CarnEvil coin project video

This week I model and print the coin from the video game CarnEvil. If you have something you’d like to see made real with 3D printing, be sure to post a comment. Download and print your own: https://pinshape.com/items/5828-3d-printed-carnevil-coin Watch the video that inspired the project. Ross’s Game Dungeon Carnevil (NSFKids) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDULs7H-42w

Manufacturing Wood Wars 3D part 1

Last week I set about to find out how many Wood Wars 3D sets 1 3D printer can produce. I always estimated it as 1 set per day, but I didn’t have any hard data. Spoilers, I may have overestimated. Day 1 I manged to start 3 sets and get one of them almost completed. I was using dual printing …

Wood Wars 3D is live on Kickstarter!

It’s been a lot of work so far, but the Kickstarter for Wood Wars 3D is finally live on Kickstarter. Check it out and spread the word.  The more the merrier: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/834808051/wood-wars-3d

A physical portfolio

If I were clever I’d come up with a clever name for this. Port-thing-io? Physfolio? Eh. It’s a lunchbox with stuff in it. And like any good portfolio its contents will change depending on whom I’m showing it to, but the chessbot is probably a staple. The wow factor. My goal is to keep this with me to show local …

The ultimate vanity object

Or ultimate heirloom. This was made by taking a scan of my wife with a Kinect and editing it. When printing I changed filament and then smoothed the print. The scannect doesn’t take a lot of details, so this is a less detailed cameos, but it works okay. I learned something when making this. The cameo is ABS, the setting …

3D Printing a stamp with Ninjaflex

I make a lot of plastic impression stamps. But I’ve never made one out of ninjaflex until now. Does it work? Actually, yeah, more than I expected anyways. The top finish isn’t quite as smooth as a traditional stamp, it works best if you put something soft under the paper to add some flex and increase coverage, the lettering turned …

3D Printed Belt

You know the problem with 3D printing a belt buckle and weaving your own belt? After a a year of wear this happens. Of course there is an advantage. The next one is going to be made with duct tape.

New video and so much more

I took last week off from reporting and videos, but I wasn’t any less busy because of it. Most of my focus right now is printing copies of Wood Wars and working on some art assets and rules, as well as a project mentioned briefly in this week’s video that I will tell you more about as it gets closer …