Action Chess Prototype

Do I have any regular readers? Well, if I did I imagine by now they’re asking “You’ve had the printer for over a week., where’s the chess set?” I’ve constantly been trying to print it between everything else and, unfortunatly, there’ve been hangups. The biggest hang up has been a new design for the knight that I’ve been trying. Well, …

Lionel Richie, how long did this print take?

…All night long. And then some. I kicked this off at 10:30 at night and it wasn’t finished until 8 the next day. 10 hour print. I knew this was going to be big, the biggest thing print I’ve made so far. And since I’m trying to stay away from modifying my settings more than necessary, big prints like this …

Tragedy strikes Joe’s Makerbot

So yesterday I left my makerbot running the next iteration of my clip for my android while I went to work. Unwise I know, but I need to make money. And generally it would be fine until 15 minutes before I got home at which point one of my children saw a big flashing button on Daddy’s cool make-stuff machine. …

The missing prints

In honor of Mother’s Day yesterday I let my Replicator rest and focused some attention on my wife. Love you, Honey. So no prints from yesterday to report. However, I did skip reporting on two prints from a couple days ago. So here’s that report. Don’t go getting your hopes up too much. I printed another set of pawns. This …

Wrapping up the first week.

Now that I’ve gained some confidence in my Replicator’s printing ability I had it running all day today. Unfortunately the attempts at making the last test pieces for my chess set ended in… …fail. But for some reason my elusive chess set was my only failures. Everything else worked out just fine. I’ve been iterating a design for a clip …

With rings on her fingers…

This morning it was all about the rings That’s a diamond ring for my daughter, a negative Hylian Shield ring for my other son, and a TARDIS ring for me. The diamond ring had some significant overhang and it caused some problems, but overall it was good enough for a little girl. I blame it more on the cold of …

Of queens and pawns

UPDATE: If you are interested in purchasing these I am making as many available as I can and selling them on etsy! Also last night I printed these: By the way, the replicators lighting system really does make it the best place to take pictures in my dark garage. I was particularly excited by the pawns because I printed all four of …


With the 2 stubby ring bases printed that’s 22 prints, 9 successful ones. My ratio is on the rise. My son’s pretty happy with his birthday gift fresh off the replicator. Now his brother wants one in opposite colors. I think I can do that. It feels real good when a print works. Still, I haven’t successfully printed a chess …

A night of trials, alot of prints

Last evening I think I finally cracked it! From left to right: (1) A halted print that was supposed to be scaled down. (2) A failed action chess king. (3) Another failed action chess king. (4) A moderately successful dual extrusion print. (5) Successfully scaled down parts attached to my alot from last time. For the two failed kings there’s …

Prints 12 – 14

Print 12 was another tire lever, this time in white, that had even more curl in it than the black one, but otherwise was successful. For Print 13 I wanted to try dual extruding with the raft turned off. The model would be my very own alot, and the result was… mixed. The first time I didn’t check either of …