The tortoise doesn’t always win

With skin turned on one of these was printed at 20mm/s, the other at 40mm/s. Can you tell which is which? Nope, neither can I. There is no discernible difference. The picture doesn’t really show it but they’re both equally bad. My conclusion still stands. Skin doesn’t play well with detail

Continuing to push the detail

A bit more fiddling this weekend to get more detail as fast as possible using pocket tactics pieces. From left to right, the archer and shield maden were printed at the same time with a 0.1mm layer height and the skin plugin on to double the exterior layers, really pushing it. The hope was that providing two prints at once …

My son’s printed monster teeth

As soon as my 7 year old son saw that I had red filament he immediately had the idea that I should print some teeth for a monster. Blue with red tips. I had him describe them to me. He drew me a picture and I had to explain to him that there was a 3rd dimension he needed to …


Owning a 3D printer means you can finally have those things that you’ve always wanted, even if no one is making them any more. The prototype is still very rough. The finished designs will be uploaded to Thingiverse when the kinks are worked out. And yes I’ll be selling them in the etsy store.

You are likely to be eaten by a grue

There’s something giddy about playing with glow in the dark material. Just holding the spool and walking into the shadows and seeing it glow triggers something in the immature parts of my brain. This glow in the dark filament has been a heck of an adventure. It didn’t come on the spool which necessitated the development of a spare spool …

Concept proven… settings bad

A while ago a designed a desk toy inspired by a desk toy that a coworker has. Printing it hasn’t really been high on my priority list owing to the fact that worthless stuff that costs plastic and just sits on your desk and accumulates dust… well that pretty much explains it there. Still, I wanted to see if it …

Spot the mistake

Can you see what’s wrong in this picture? If you said “those spindle arms are way too long” you’re right! They are so long, in fact, that they bump into things on the back of the replicator and don’t spin Friggin all day print and I wasted so much time printing those parts too long. So did I reprint new …

Updating my thingiverse things

Found myself with some time this morning and since I’ve been tweaking things for my etsy store I figured I’d upload my recent changes to thingiverse. The Hylian shield got an update that dual prints much cleaner. Offering it on my etsy store now. My marked stubby ring stock got an update too with marks that are easier to read …

River, make her blue!

I should really reserve that title line for later since the actual quote ends with “again” but nevermind. I wanted some blue filament. Makerbot was all out so I purchased some from Protoparadigm who are closer to me geographically. When I finally manage to sell some chessbots I plan to buy some red for the opponent chess sets. But for …

First manufacturing… 70% success

Silly me, I didn’t depress the camera’s button enough to actually take the picture of my first attempt at printing a full set. Pitty because it was glorious. Alternating rows of black and white pieces standing like little soldiers… except for the furthest right row. The row containing one pawn, rook, bishop, knight, and the king printed in black. In …