Do you want to play a game?

Pocket-Tactics (apparently the hyphen is important) is awesome on so many levels. First of all it’s a strategy game reminiscent of Star Control 1’s full game, always a turn on for me. Secondly, it’s an open source game. That’s like putting peanut butter in my chocolate. Finally you get to paint the pieces yourself. That last one is not as exciting for me but …

The evolution of an idea

Being a geek growing up in the 80s I was naturally a fan of Star Trek: The Next Generation. Being a fan of Star Trek: The Next Generation I am naturally a fan of Wil Wheaton. Being a fan of Wil Wheaton I am naturally a fan of his new web series Table Top, which is good because I’m also …

TARDIS rings flooding Texas

That is 50 TARDIS rings of various sides that will be going to the Dragon Con on August 30 to September 3rd. The Austin Brown Coats, a Firefly fan group turned non-profit charity organization approached me about selling the rings and so I thought I’d have a go at it. If you’re going to be in the Atlanta, Georgia area you can pick up a TARDIS …

Oh, that’s what it was for

From humble beginnings my latest model is almost ready to share on thingiverse. I’m pretty proud of these. But I’ve got to tweak the designs. Probably upload the designs to thingiverse this weekend. The origin of this idea was when I saw Wil Wheaton and friends play “get bit” on his web show Table Top. The game looked really cool …

Measure twice…

Oops. You’d think I would have learned my lesson with the toothpaste squeezers. Don’t trust the designs on thingiverse to be made for your situation. Well I didn’t. I took SidVillas’ Printable Spool Roller and thought that it would work for me without modification. I mean isn’t everyone ordering their filament from Makerbot? Apparently not. Fortunately I now have a computer that doesn’t …

Opponent Prototype successful

A few minor tweaks, and a little bit of cleaning up the geometry before I upload to thingiverse, but for the most part the model made on tinkercad works as-is. And it is awesome. Very chess set-like when disassembled, yet with an ominous feel Assembled. Face detail

Opponent Chess Set Development Day

Held off making more TARDIS rings available to spend the day working on this. First test print was mostly successful. Okay, the face was upside down, some of the joints were a little off, and the knight isn’t stable. But I’m fixing it and there was less a lot less tinkering outside of tinkercad than with the last one to do …

A more elegant ring

On the right is my old standard ring that all my TARDIS rings are now. On the left is a new ring that I’m experimenting with. Lower profile, you could actually put this one in your pocket and thinner. The disadvantage is that it needs to be glued together. Still, this ones a ways off before it’s ready for prime time. Meanwhile, …

Ooh, what could that be for?

I made this prototype for an idea with absolutely no graphic design which I immediately regretted. In fact once I had the prototype in hand I wondered why I felt like I even needed it. It was so obvious. So onward to some design work first.