the ultimate test

My replicator has been tested and came out… well, not 100%, but pretty darn good. A while ago I made this iThrone for one of the Makerbot sponsored contests I didn’t win. I’ve never had reason to print one, but after the MakeSLC presentation I was approached by someone there who offered to buy one.  So, I decided to see if my …

MakeSLC Presentation

Here is the full presentation that I gave last Wednesday at MakeSLC. Cymon @ MakeSLC Oct. 17th 2012 from Dan Mitchell on Vimeo. Many thanks to Dan Michell for inviting me as well as recording and uploading this video.

Drew’s Castle

I let my soon loose on TinkerCad, alone and unsupervised, and this is what he came up with. So when his good behavior earned him a 3D print of whatever he wanted, naturally what did he choose? Now at it’s natural scale this is the biggest single thing I’ve printed to date. But I’m really trusting my new firmware, so what the …

Joe’s Makerbot now runs Sailfish

Sailfish is a firmware upgrade for Replicators and Thing-o-matics by the acceleration wizards Jetty and Dan Newman. And this is another reason why open source is more awesome. It was an adventure that took a few days to sort out entirely. The hardest part of the initial setup instructions was the usual “Press reset a moment before pressing the Update button in RepG” …

My son’s bowser costume so far

Yes, the bracelet and horns are 3D printed, but I think I’m most proud of the shell he made himself. My other son is going to be a bat with wings he’s made himself. [Sniff]. Daddy’s little makers.

Just a Little Rebelious

Quite a varied weekend of experimentation. I learned a lot. I could break up my reports of this weekend all week, but I won’t do that. So forgive me but this post will cover a number of topics related to the experimentation surrounding the production of this: Remember, remember the 5th of November. I am super impressed with the detail that came …

Yesteryear’s Toys, Tomorrow’s Technology

Okay, this is cool. It prints in one go, no assembly, two colors if you like, and works right off the build platform. Sure, it’s a little loose and doesn’t hold it’s form as well, but that’s not the point. This is cool.

Finishing the enclosure

I finally finished enclosing my replicator. That is to say it’s fully enclosed, but it’s hardly done. The cozy frame has been in place for a while, but with the sides open there wasn’t much reason to cover it. The cozy itself isn’t done, so I’m improvising with a beach towel for now. There are plexiglas acrylic sheet walls and …

Gray weekend

I’m not talking about the weather. I finally loaded up my new roll of grey filament and ran some prints. A few K-9s to be slipped in with special TARDIS ring sales (I should put a loop on it and make it a charm), a memorial for my desk, made an attempt at printing a blockbot that was thwarted by …

Modding the fan

Alright, enough drama. Let’s get back to what where here for. Makerbotting. My Replicator has been sitting quite for most of this week because the fan was getting too noisy. Others on the Makerbot forum have said the fan just needs a little oil, tho I’ve been warned that’s a temporary fix and the fan will eventually need to be replaced. But …