Fixing the fan for good

ad·ven·ture adˈvenCHər – (N) 1. An unusual and exciting, typically hazardous, experience or activity. 2. When you set out to do something, everything goes wrong, but you survive and in the end you say “That was an adventure”. Had an adventure today upgrading the body fan on my replicator. Last time I moved the one fan closer to the outside. That was fine, …

Fully Printed Engine V0.1

It’s a good feeling when something you’ve made gets attention on Thingiverse. Even if it’s something you made a long time ago that never really worked the way you wanted it to. Hopefully, tho, someone can make a good version of my old desk toy. In the meanwhile: Here’s the engine designed to harness the power of those springs. I …

Printing springs

I want to build a totally 3D printed engine and use it to power some little things. So while I’m waiting for my red filament to come in so I can finishe the chess sets my current experiment is this: The hope is to make something that will store enough energy and return it, but not too harsh. So far …

Chess sets day 3 and 4

So after running out of black… I ran out of white. Managed to get 1 white chess set and 3 incomplete red ones that I’m just going to finish up and get sent out without dual printing them. Frustratingly inefficient. I’ve placed orders for more black, white, and red filament through Joseph Chiu (aka Toybuilder) who will soon enough be dipping his …

5 minute dice tower

I’m still looking for something to use all my checker’s pieces on. I remember and old game that was a bag of tokens and a wiki of rules but for the life of me I can’t find it. If any of you have any idea what it is I’m looking for please don’t remain quiet. But while stumbing around google …

Chess Production Day 2 1/2

The day started with a few clean up pieces from failed chess sets. A few rooks, a bishop. Then I decided to take the rest of the day off from printing chess sets to print a few things I’ve been meaning to get to for myself since my lovely and talented assistant can help me with the big batches. Then, …

Got me some maintenance and upgrades coming up…

It was a good day of printing. Re-stocked my Doctor Who rings and finished my second skull gear. I haven’t posted a “check out the coolness I printed” lately so be sure to check it out there on the right. But after a hard weekend of printing the case fan is not lasting very long, even with oiling. However I’ve …

Dog gonit, they do make them

The very first thing I modeled and one of the first things I printed was a replacement drawer guide for my daughter’s drawer because, I thought, there is no one who would sell that particular piece. This is that particular piece. For sale. So I guess I only managed to save $1.75 with doing that myself. Well, that and the …

Lazy Halloween Costume

..okay, not that lazy. I mean you need a 3D printer, the Brain Slug design by 7777773 from Thingiverse, sandpaper to take the existing eye off, a googly eye and super glue. But for the amount of work you have to do.the quality is really, really good. I. Recommend. Everyone. Get. A Brain. Slug.