Testing 3D Printed Dice Fairness – New Hollow Dice

Using the information gathered last time I modified a dice I made in tinkercad way back when and made a die that I figured would be sufficiently fair. Hollow like before this die has totally sharp edges. But because I can’t leave well enough alone I made another that had flat corners, or “truncated” to use a geometric term. After …

A solution without a problem

The pad on our GameCube controller fell off and was lost revealing a sharp edge that cut into my thumb while we played Wind Waker. So I had the great idea of covering it in Oogoo, pressing a little mould in, and letting it set. There was going to be this whole post about it and I was all excited. …

MyMiniFactory Contest Afterward

Thank you to everyone who voted for me in the MyMiniFactory contest. Unfortunately I did not win, however the set that did win is one that I voted for myself, so I don’t feel back about losing. I am still planning on having the contest, unfortunately I won’t be able to offer a 3D printer, but I can offer a copy …

Iconified Shogi set on Ponoko

Shogi is a cool game that I’ve always admired. If you capture an opponent piece you can add it to your army on your turn. How cool is that! However the fact that traditional sets are written with Japanese characters make it hard for new players to be willing to climb the learning curve. So I made this set with …

Watch me model 1

A little while back I did a little experiment, live streaming on Justin.tv a modeling session so you can see me do my thing. . This one was a piece for Just Game. Find out more about them at https://www.facebook.com/justgamecompany or http://justgamehome.com/. I’ve held off sharing it here until I could offer a time-lapsed version in case you didn’t want to …

Finally Printing MetaChess

MetaChess was one of my entries into the Makerbot/Tinkercad Chess challenge that won me my Makerbot and changed my life. Even figured out rules how this chess-on-chess game would play. However until now I’ve never tried printing it. (Funny thing is I love chess pieces, but I don’t play the game very often. Well now I’ve printed it and… clearly …

TARDIS Run Complete

TARDIS Run is complete, and what a journey it’s been. It started when I saw MakeALot’s foldable TARDIS. I didn’t like the way he decorated the outside so I decided to do my own. Only I wanted to do something a little more, and that’s when the idea of a board game came to mind. So I determined that I …

Troke Update

Hot of the heels of yesterday’s announcement, I’ve taken the Troke game that I uploaded to Thingiverse and added a board that you can buy on Ponoko. You don’t need it to play, but it is super cool and it comes apart for easy storage. I predict a number of these sorts of project populating Ponoko in the near future. …

Adventures in Selling Designs part 3, Ponoko and CGTrader

My to-do list is rather long at the moment. I’m making a promotional video and website for the book, I’m going to create a web site for my 3D design work so I can take commissions, I’ve got some new materials to experiment with, an upgrade for the Makerbot, and a few other things. Lots of good things to look …

Testing 3D printed dice fairness – Chi-Square Data

So last time I explored testing if 3D printed dice can be considered balanced and the result was a resounding… oh, there’s a proper way of doing this. It’s called the Pearson’s chi-square test. The basic idea is roll the dice 5 times the number of sides you have, tally up the number of times each side shows up, then …