If at first you don’t succeed… iterate

I need a place to store business cards that I get from people. Not that I get a lot of business cards from people, but I have some, and the ones I want to keep don’t have a home. So I downloaded a card holder (long ago, no idea where I got it) and printed it out. Of course once …

HIPS Experiment #2

Time to do another HIPS experiment, this time with turpentine. Result: I let myself get a bit wordy in the video so it ran a bit long, but Turpentine does seem to dissolve HIPS. I didn’t let it dissolve as long as the last experiment so it didn’t dissolve completely, but it does seem to do the job. However the …

Using HIPS for support

Joseph Chiu, 3D printing buddy of mine and filament supplier, has beat me to the punch on some of the HIPS experimentation. This was going to be experiment 3 for me, using the software tools to make disolvable supports. The latest version of Makerware (2.4.1) seems very well suited to making even the most difficult shape, a sphere, actually work. …

Brick Dice Tower, Final Design

Here is is, the final iteration of my brick dice tower. The door on this one is much bigger than the last version and can comfortably roll several dice. The walls of the door area may be a bit big. I’ve still got to test it out. This print actually had some issues with the PLA getting twisted and pulling, making …

3D Printed gun stock

I’ll just come out and say it. I have no problem with 3D printed guns. There are laws, be aware of them, follow them. But besides that it’s just another way for hobbiest to make guns. Very ineffective guns, by the way. But it’s not about efficiency, it’s about he craftsmanship and having fun. And one day I will probably …

HIPS experiment 1

Got some HIPS from ToyBuilderLabs.com and I’m starting experiments with it. This is experiment #1 where I just dissolve a printed piece. Keeping it simple, but it was educational. Conclusion: HIPS dissolves completely in d-Limonene, a orange peel extract solution for cleaning that can be slightly harder to get a hold of than, say, acetone. It does dissolve very well …

New pegs for a jumping game

While at the family’s this Thanksgiving they had an old (I mean really old) jumping pegs game with little plastic pegs, many of which have been lost to time. So to pass the time I decided to model them. It actually turned into a bonding experience with Grandpa-in-law. Now that I’m back I can print them out and they turned …

New Dice Tower, Version 1

Dice towers are cool things that help you roll dice fairly. If you play a lot of board games with children or are just concerned that you’re playing with someone evilly talented dice towers are great. I’ve made them out of pringles cans, and printed a few for my immediate family. After printing kid_entropy’s design on Thingiverse I immediately wanted …

More forced down time

Found out what that mystery bolt was for. It was holding the X-Axis motor to the bracket. There was another on the other side, so no harm. But now I have another problem. Winter has brought failed prints and fail prints have once again it’s shredded the ceramic tape wrap, which in turn is causing prints to fail. Vicious cycle. …

Just file this under the “If I had $1000000”

In my research of 3D scanners I kinda decided that I’d like to have a bank of cameras that took simultaneous pictures from multiple angles. However, that’s expensive and difficult to coordinate from a technical perspective. That is until Richard from the Netherlands thought to use a networked bank of Raspberry pis with camera modules. They receive a network message, snap …