New vapor smoothing pot

I got a new steamer pot specifically to use for vapor smoothing. It’s large which means that it will allow me to smooth more things without worrying about things. However it uses a much greater splash of acetone every time to fill it’s volume, which had me checking acetone’s toxicity report. Apparently I’m safe. Do not turn the pan on …

At least I managed to print the heart tokens

So here’s the good news. Now that I have a picture you can download the heart tokens for love letter on YouMagine. And for the bad news. In a word AAAARRRRGH! First of all the right extruder is still broken. I still can’t trust my left extruder so I’m doing small, then a little larger prints to hopefully scale up …

Splitting the die

Got a fun job on MakeXYZ for a family d10, a 10 sided dice with the names of the members of this family on each side. They wanted it in blue, I offered to make it in glow-in-the-dark blue I got from Craig at Addicore, because glow-in-the-dark is at least 20% cooler. The initial print did not go well. The …

Expectation vs Reality – Coin Age Detailed Coins

Designing for 3D printing is a blast because occasionally you get these really groovy neat ideas that you can’t wait to try out, and then you try it out, and sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn’t. This is the story of a time it didn’t work.See, those coins I made last time I though would look better if the …

Coin Age 3D Preview

With so much of my print time occupied with etsy or MakeXYZ jobs I don’t have as much to talk about during the week. But I wanted to give you all a heads up on a project that I modeled this weekend that may or may not be printed next weekend. Adam P. McIver’s Coin Age is a really cool …

Support your local suppliers

Through MakeXYZ I found a guy locally who is has an electronics and filament supply business, Addicore. So when I needed some more filament I contacted him. It’s been an up and down experience, some of his filament isn’t that good, but that’s not his fault. He’s learning and I don’t mind helping him and most of it is very …

Squirrel Squabble available for download on 3DHacker

Squirrel Squabble 3D is now available on 3DHacker. The original game is on Board Game Geek. It’s a marathon print to get everything done. And the coins definitely benefit from switching color filament part way through to improve readability, unless your printer has wizard level bridging. Resizing the coins could help their readability, but you lose the ability to put …

Squirrel Squabble is almost ready for release

Between fighting my 3D printer just to keep it working and finishing my etsy and MakeXYZ paid jobs I’ve managed to get together the prototype print for Squirrel Squabble. Some of the complication has come from the fact that I’m doing most of the pieces two tone, meaning I have to pause the print at some point, change the filament, and …

Introducing Cymon’s Designs

Not to be too subtle about it, it’s time to announce Cymon’s Designs, a showcase of my 3D modeling and design work, as well as contact info and a neat business card hat will hopefully drive new work to me. If I can afford to grow my 3D printing endeavors, that’d be great. If they could pay the bills outright, …

Hang ’em high

Storing and using filament is a bit of a problem for me. That is to say I haven’t found an elegant solution to storing and using my filament that I like yet so most of the time they sit in the boxes they were shipped in on the floor next to my Makerbot. I’ve kind of always wanted to have …