Just Game Boardcraft on Kickstarter

The game I’ve been doing the 3D design for, Boardcraft by Just Game, is now up on kickstarter. It’s exciting to see models I made in the promo video. And there will be more to come. I finished the gnome and a vampire chick recently and I’m working on a few more. I’d really like to see this be successful …

One more day to vote for me on Pinshapes Toy Contest

Sorry for the silence lately. I’ve been working on a couple of paid projects that don’t leave me much to talk about and a left thermocouple that’s not working and I don’t know if it’s the thermocouple, the board, or my soldering holding them together. But in the meanwhile… PinShape’s toy contest is in it’s final day and I’l love …

CyBot posable toy

I said I wasn’t going to do it, but PinShape’s toy contest convinced me to take the joints I made for my Cymon robot and make a more generic modular robot toy. Introducing CyBot! The goal was to make these bots more home 3D printer friendly than modibots, more stylish than like beco blocks. There is no ball flatening like …

Fixing Andy’s Guitar

Andy Cohen of the 3D Printing Today podcast sent me a mesh that he said wouldn’t slice very well. So I crack it open and see if I can figure out what’s wrong with it. This is, in a way, supplemental material to the segments I’ve been sending them for the 3D Printing Today podcast, but it’s a bit out …

How to support a ring

In modeling and iterating the rose ring for my wife I made a lot of mistakes and I thought I’d enumerate the lessons I learned about making ring without regards to the YHT rule. Increasing the support angle to 45 degrees is mandatory for ABS.  Tilting the ring 30 degrees will prevent the supports holding the top up from passing …

Lego Gold Idol

A coworker of mine when they saw my Golden Idol asked that I make a Lego version for his kid. I thought it would be easy enough, forgetting that its never easy. The modeling part with smoothly enough. Find a presumably compatible Lego brick model and a little boolean jiggery pokery and the model is done. But then I printed …

More playing with the color changing filament

So after discovering that color changing filament does, as advertised, change color, I had 2 projects drop in my lap. My wife suggested a ring with some depth to it so that maybe if your hands were warm enough and it was cold out enough, or visa versa, your ring could be all multi-colored. So she and I pulled out …

New Enclosure for the bot

I finally finished my enclosure upgrade for my 3D printer. I chose the $15 enclosure pattern, not because it was cheap, but because is moved the side enclosure a little bit away from the X-axis cable so it wouldn’t wear it’s self against the side plexiglass, which is why I removed the side plexiglass and draped the bot with a …

Color changing filament and business card holders

This is called killing two birds with one stone. I’ve been thinking a lot about business cards lately. For some reason I got some entirely superfluous business cards at work. And what with going to GenCon, I figured I’d better have some cards to give away there. Then, on an unrelated note, I bought a roll of Afinia’s blue/yellow color …

New Charles ‘O Perry Chess set on YouMagine

I am slowly migrating my 3D models to YouMagine and experimenting with PinShape at the same time. I may have more to say about them in a little while. But for now my migration to YouMagine isn’t just a straight copy of my 148 designs on Thingiverse. It’s a thoughtful culling of old designs and obsolete iterations, as well as …