Panic attack turns I-D-Ten-T Error

Sometimes finding what’s wrong with the makerbot is just a matter of knowing where to look. In this case the problem was between the keyboard and the chair. This is not a good thing to see. Especially when it’s just a little print. It was filling up the whole print bed, tearing the Kapton tape off, and clicking at the …

Joseph Chiu’s Toybuilder Labs is Open!

Friend of the blog Joseph Chiu has scaled up his filament sale operation with it’s own website: I can already vouch for the exceptional quality of both his PLA, which was an incredibly painless first time experience with the stuff, and ABS. In fact my next round of Chessbots will all be Toybuilder Labs ABS. His prices are only slightly higher than …

Chessbot on 3DHacker

Fellow 3D Printing enthusiast and vlogger Andrew Mazzotta, tired from sourcing upgrades on 8 different websites and thought “wouldn’t it be easier if there was just one place for all these things.” So he created and invited anyone to showcase their projects and builds and offer them to interested parties. You can host whatever project you want on 3D Hacker and …

So far so good

I hope I’m not jinxing it but my latest round of repairs seems to be doing their job well, well aside from the bad skin issue on large object which I haven’t delved into. I’ve been restocking my dual–extruded objects. Maybe next week I’ll be on Chess sets, but I want to eventually upgrade to the newest version of Sailfish, …

Thingiverse Custom Lithophanes

Exciting to see this morning that Thingiverse’s web version of OpenSCAD aka “Customizer” can now accept uploaded files making possible a custom lithphane script. Apparently my work has merited credit in this, which is cool. Naturally Thingiverse is flooded with people making lithophanes they have no intention of printing. Every meme and logo is going to be lithophaned by the …

3D Printed Stepper Motor… kind of.

For those who don’t know, a stepper motor is the basic muscle of a 3D printer. Instead of other motors which are basically “on = go, off = stop” a stepper motor is told how far to move and it does, which makes it perfect for, say, telling the arm of a 3D printer to go to a specific location …

Wow, really bad skin

Printed Kid Entropie’s Dice Tower for my brother-in-law. It’s functional but… what is all over that surface? Ben Withers was just complaining about this and seems to think it’s related to alt-shell and I’d love to test it, but I don’t think I’m printing another one of those. They’re huge. Took all day. Part of me just wants to take …

When in doubt, go with the schematic

After repairing the nozzle I thought I was back to producing dual prints, only to discover that the right extruder was still producing fragile messed up prints. I was lucky to discover that the right extruder fan had finally given out entirely. So I got a couple of nice new ball bearing fans from Digikey, also received another new heated build platform …

How to model a 3D mini

Zheng, famous for his 3D printed artillery game, has been printing custom tokens for Magic: the Gathering. He took the latest one and did a series about the process of making it. He does his modeling in Maya but the general techiniques should be applicable to whatever 3D modeling program you’re blending… er, using, don’t know why I said blending …

OpenRC 3D printed remove control car project

I love projects like this. Partially because they’re cool. Partially because it’s one less project I want to try. Oh don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t mind making one some day, but being able to skip the design and experimentation phase is priceless.You can find out more on G+.