I’ve been doing it wrong this whole time. Working on the weekends and lunch hours, putting my models up for free when what I really should have been doing is KickStarting basic modeling projects. Never mind that this has already been done over 400 times, and in many cases better and more comprehensive. Plus every single one of those use …
Printing a music box
Wizard123’s Music Box on Thingiverse is one of the most amazing things I’ve seen in a while… if it works. I printed up the SMB one in ABS first and the results were not encouraging. The construction was genius, there’s a hole to make putting the first gear in place easier and the rest go in well enough with a …
Coloring filament with Markers
Way back in the day (like, maybe 2 years ago) when filament color selection was scarce 3D printers would color their filament with a marker on the incoming filament. Clever contraptions were constructed to color the filament sufficently. Since I’ve had a hard time finding a semi-transparent purple PLA filament for a project Idea I have I decided to try …
Fully portable 3D printer
Joseph Chiu recorded this video of the portable 3D Printer Bukito from Deezmaker using some of Joseph’s filament to print upside down and on the go.
Fixing the Support Issue
So after my last adventures trying to get supports to work on round objects I appealed to the Makebot user’s group and got back the response that I should probably focus on bridging and finding out the lowest temperature I can print at. So I did and I didn’t take any good pictures of the process but I’m still fiddling at something …
Autodesk is buying Tinkercad. Joe is happy
http://blog.tinkercad.com/2013/05/18/autodesk_tinkercad/ I can’t imagine better hands for TinkerCad than AutoDesk. I love their suite of tools and they like the maker community. They’re even fixing the problems with the payed services making the free accounts usable again. This is great news and by children will be thrilled!
11 year old inventor gets a makerbot
http://vimeo.com/66295175The kid isn’t producing any thing ground breaking or world changing… yet. But this tool is in the right hands for sure. It looks like he’s using Sketchup to do his modeling. I wonder if I should try teaching that to my kids.
10 Reasons you need a 3D printer now
It’s not a good thing when the first article on a “3D print” website is an article that is not grounded in the reality of 3D printing at all. Food? Really? Because when we have the Jetson’s food-o-matic if it’s called a 3D printer it will only be to latch on to the hype. And “Random household items” on your …
Steampunk Robot Chess Set
Modified version of DutchMogul’s Steampunk Robot Chess Set. These pictures are pre-smoothing but the acetone vapor finish goes very will with the robotic chess set. I think I’ll pair this one with the tiki chess set to make Steampunk vs Island Magic.
3D Printers for Peace
Just to make you aware, you could win a Type A Machine 3D printer, which isn’t too bad. Just design something that could change the world.