Challenge Accepte..ugh.

DesignMakeTeach issued the challenge and I rose to answer it… sort of. To be fair, I already knew I was going to have problems with the overhangs. Overhang issue aside this, I think, is the best way to print this object. All overhangs become gradual slopes with few exceptions, and the majority doesn’t even need the supports. You don’t need …

Andrew Mazotta’s interview with Shapeways

Andrew Mazotta recently visited Shapeways an had an interview with Bart Veldhuizen who, incidentally, was one of the people who bought Blender and released it free and open source. (By the way, I’m totally writing a book that’s all about Blender.) So an all around good guy and awesome to have Andrew interview him. I like Shapeways. I’m on Shapeways. I really …

Makerbot Project Blueprints on Preorder Now!

It is with great excitement that I can finally announce a project that I’ve been working on for months! I’ve written a book! Makerbot Project Blueprints will pass on my masterful knowledge of making things for 3D printing to you. 9 awesome projects give you the knowledge you need in an exciting and fun way at your pace, as opposed …

3D printers can do food… now

Scrambled eggs on a RepRap? Checkmate NASA. I guess I haven’t weighed in on the whole “3D printed food” thing. I thought I had. The machine that NASA has bankrolled is, to me, hardly a 3D printer. It’s a nozzle on a CNC machine, but that’s where the similarity ends because this can only really make one thing. It’s a …

No one is going to have a cabbage for you to… oh

Someone asks for a model of a cabbage on reddit and my initial reaction was that someone was going to have to let them down easy. Only thing is someone has beat me to it with an actual model of a cabbage! Granted it’ll take some editing to make it printable, but that’s much more than I expect anyone to …

Which 3D printer to buy right now

This guy has done excellent research and wrote an excellent article. He does a good run down of what 3D printers are available and what factors to consider. The only problem with this list is it’s good for right now, but in 3 months this list could be very different. In 6 months it will most assuredly. But for right …

Things like this…

I have been unable to print with my right extruder (why is it always the right?) for a week because of this. The filament broke when I tried to remove it and I couldn’t push it out with another filament. Fixing it was ridiculous. After taking apart the fan and drive block so I could get at the broken filament I …

The Cheap 3D Printer

Ever hear the phrase “you get what you pay for”? It’s not just a saying, it’s true. You’re probably looking at that $300 laptop or $200 smart phone you’re reading this on and developing this idea about the cost of technology. Then a 3D printer comes out that’s stable, solid, feature rich, and $2500 and you balk because that’s so …

CGTrader Ultimaker contest

CGTrader is running a 3D modeling contest with 4 grand prizes of Ultimaker 3D printers. The contest is open, design whatever you want and if you impress them you might win. Never heard of CGTrader before? Neither had I. But browsing their site they seem to be a place where you can buy 3D models. Their focus seems to have …