Blender to 3D Printing Christmas Tree

Watch on YouTube You know, you can plan and prepare all you want. Nothing makes you ready to hit “go” on a new endevor. This is the first real video I’m uploading to my new Blender for 3D printing channel, and it is terrifying. I started this channel from the ground up, which means if I’m going to be monotized, …

What’s the best 3D Printer in 2022?

Watch on YouTube As much as I want this video to be an update to the 3D printer tier list, I have a lot going on right now, so this will have to do for now this year. Overall this hits on the highs which is what’s important. If you want you can dig into the spreadsheet if you want …

The future of 3D printing – ERRF and OC Makerfair report

Watch on YouTube If I were more productive I would have been putting out videos from the floor like Tom or Joel did. Recorded, edited that same day, and out to you all. But, alas, I am lazy, and this is my ERRF report. Not that this was the only topic I could have made a video about from my …

Bambu Lab Carbon X1 Review

Watch on YouTube When I started in 3D printing, you had 2 options. A $20k professional grade 3D printer, and $800 worth of parts and a crappy product in the end. But as the home 3D printing market progressed, eventually people started comparing what these home kit machines were against the professional machines, and for the most part, it wasn’t …

How to LaserGRBL

Watch on YouTube This video was made because… well, because I wished I had a video like this a few weeks ago, and now it’s out there. I’m not expecting much from this video. It’s more of what you call evergreen content. Hopefully it’ll help others who may be stuck using LaserGRBL. However, I did get LightBurn working, and it’s …

Pergear LaserStorm S10 review Video

Watch on YouTube I realized after editing that I really should have leaned into the awesomeness of “LaserSTORM” name in the video. So I wanted to make up for that in the thumbnail. A bit of a disjoint from the vibe of the video, but that’s the thumbnail game. You know how when your daughter wants to record herself singing …

Flashforge Artemis / Finder 3 Review

Watch on YouTube I said in the video that the Artemis is a good printer, and that is still true. In fact, by the numbers, it’s a better printer than the Adventurer 3. So why do I still feel like this isn’t going to make me give up my Adventurer 3, and I’m probably going to keep recommending the Adventurer …

PrintABlok, What’s Next 2022

The kickstarter is done. The August reward for Patreon is delivered. So what’s next for PrintABlok? When I finished the Mechs kickstarter I proposed a couple of new sets that could be made. Most of those ideas have happened, so it’s time to update the list of future possibilities for PrintABlok. Land Craft One idea form that original proposal that …

PrintABlok Skyforce Kickstarter Post Mortem

TL;DR: Now that this kickstarter is done, instead of prepping for another kickstarter in a year or less, I will be developing further PrintABlok sets for my Patreon backers on a monthly basis. Sign up there to get future PrintABlok sets. But more on that later. EDIT: I decided to go ahead and try to gather some data to answer …

What’s the Best 3D Test Print? Is PrintABlok better than Benchy? Video

Watch on YouTube I’ve taken this week off work to have a summer vacation… which has mostly ended up being a staycation. But that’s given me a lot of time to work on the campaign, and make this video which came together in what felt like very short order. Technically the amount of time I worked on this video was …