I guess I’ve already mentioned my sister’s soap making thing. Well now I’ve added graphics to the stamps and put that service in the store. This is one of those listings that’s a bit odd to put a quantity on. But that’s fine. Etsy’s got a generally good API so I’ll overlook this one little thing.
3DHacker Round Up 2
Andrew Mazotta is having troubles with an RSS feed, but here’s what I’ve been rambling about over on 3D Hacker:Everything is Amazing, and I’m Not Happy Is the future FDM, SLS, or DLP?In the year 2000…3D Models for Expired Patents$650 for a $350 filastruderIs there really a demand for 3D printed shoes? and I revisit an old post frome here …
Upgrading the build platform
I got the build platform upgradeby BottleWorks and installed it this weekend. Over all I am super impressed with the quality of this build. The quality on this thing is as good as professional. And the majority of the install went very smooth with only a few headaches. This is everything that comes. I oped for the extra build platform …
Changing filament midprint
The last time I changed filament mid-print it was out of necessity, but this week I’ve been doing it for dramatic effect, and to great success. I’ve been accomplishing it due to Sailfish’s excellent “Pause at ZPos” option, and some clever design This was made for a buddy of mine who ran a half marathon. When I asked him how …
Book Update – Name Change and Home Stretch
A couple of things to report about my book. First of all the title has changed. It will now be called 3D Printing Blueprints, a change which I am happy with. Secondly, all content is complete and is being reviewed by the page layout people right now for prep before sending to the publishers. Yes, it is that close to …
Robot Poker in California
Roxy ordered a set of poker playing robots to, get this, actually play poker with. The first set I made to sell on etsy never sold. It just sat on my desk and was eventually scattered by my children so this necessitated a custom print. But it was worth it for this picture alone. Turns out these robots are a …
3D Print ‘n Play
There’s a sort of make-it-yourself movement among board gamers called Print ‘n Play. Basically, instead of getting a box of cards and a board you get a PDF for the board and cards that you print out, cut out, and play yourself. It saves on manufacturing costs so you can get the games cheaper. And of course 3D printing can …
TARDIS Transformer has a Matt Smith head
With the bow tie it was either him or Patrick Troughton. The process of making this head involved getting some reference pictures online, importing them into Blender, doing some rough shaping, and then using Blender’s sculpt tools to finish the job… or so I thought. But the roughs looked enough like Matt Smith to me at least in Blender, that …
The Perils of Detail
My cub scout son suggested before last week’s weekend camping trip that we all get whistles in case of emergencies. a while back i figured out which 3D printed whistle was best so I whipped out the STL and printed a few more copies. A number of things has changed on my side since my last printing, most notable of …
Book Update – 2nd Drafts complete
Update on my book, Packt managed to get reviewers for the last 3 chapters and 2nd draft editing for all 10 chapters are complete. Thank you everyone who contacted me for reviewing help. I’m sorry Packt didn’t end up using you, but I owe you guys. Here’s hoping they can get me the final drafts soon. I’m hoping for a …