When I can finally afford to replace this Makerbot, either because 3D printers have gotten cheap or I’ve become independently wealthy, I hope that the machines that replace them will be slightly more reliable. But that’s not what I have. What I have is a few days of printing between problems. At least it feels that way right now. A …
Adventures in Selling Designs
I should be promoting my book, but for a while now I’ve been exploring options for selling 3D designs. The way I figure it 3D printers are only going to get cheaper, and people who aren’t designers or creators are going to want something to print. To that end whoever has an established library of 3D printable objects already for …
3D Printing Blueprints is now for sale
My book, 3D Print Blueprints is available for sale now on Packt, Amazon, Amazon UK, and soon to come at Barnes and Nobles. Looks like the eBook option is only available Packt right now, and Amazon appears to sell the physical copies a little cheaper. And on a personal and entirely unprofessional note… squeeee. It looks like things are still …
MakerWare’s failings
First I was all “MakerWare, meh.” Then I was all “MakerWare, yeah.” Then I was all “Heck yeah MakerWare.” This post is going to bring the excitement back a notch because I’ve found a few places Makerware fails. Printing a batch of TARDIS rings I was surprised to see these little gaps in some of the rings, especially after the …
Hairspray on Glass
I think I’ve got this figured out. Since upgrading the build platform I’ve been trying to figure out how to stick prints to it. My goal is to have something that will stick as well with ABS or PLA so I don’t have to relevel the build platform if I switch materials. Mind you it’s still a problem because I …
Joe’s Makerbot on MakeXYZ
I don’t know why it took me so long to actually sign up with MakeXYZ. I guess I was worried I’d get so much business I wouldn’t be able to print my own things. Maybe I was worried my printer would break down and I’d let people down. Either way it was mostly silly. Anyways, I’ve finally put Joe’s Makerbot …
How to use your soap stamp
For those wondering what the best way to use your custom soap stamp or custom soap stamp with logo my soap making sister has found an excellent tutorial. They aren’t written for my stamps specifically but they work the same: http://www.amathiasoapworks.com/stamping-soap-with-a-custom-soap-stamp/
TARDIS Rings at Dragon con again this year
If you’re in Atlanta Georga between August 30th and September 2nd hit up DragonCon where the Austin Browncoats will be selling TARDIS rings, as well as other geeky accessories, to raise money for charity. Booth # 2711, 2713 – Floor 2.
How small can text print?
The soap stamp thing has been doing well. Someone wanted some text in a 10 point Times New Roman font on their stamp and I knew that wouldn’t work, but I didn’t know what point font Times New Roman would work. So I decided to do some tests and make something to make the point. At the top is 8 …
Building a sacrificial tower to fix your prints.
DutchMogul has done it again. I’m loving printing his latest board game, Breach. But I ran into a problem with the Star Goddess that I’ve seen before with ABS when narrow layers printed in isolation melt together. It’s even more pronounced when I print the handle for my soap stamps. It doesn’t happen if there’s something else the same height printing …