Update: Final decision on the board. Please help if you can. Follow this link for more information. Imagine a game that uses the Doctor Who pawns I’ve created that plays on a board that folds into a TARDIS for easy storage. You imagining it? If you’re a fan of Doctor Who, like I am, hopefully you’re pretty excited by this. …
New depths in layer height.
In the past one thing that made shorter than 0.15mm layer heights difficult is that my build plat wasn’t completely level. Where it bowed up it wouldn’t let the extruder get any plastic out and it would clog. But with the new glass build plate providing a more level build platform than before I decided it was time to try …
OverrideGc, Yes, Transparent PLA for Lithophanes, No.
So I finally got around to using a feature of Jetty’s firmware that I knew was there, but never played with. It’s called OverrideGC Temp which essentially allows you to set the temperature for printing on the printer instead of when slicing so I can switch from ABS to PLA without reslicing and it works great. I still have to …
Packt Running a Contest on Twitter
Can you guess where the robot from my book 3D Printing Blueprints is vacationing in the UK? Check out the pictures on @Packtpub on twitter and the special bonus picture here and guess the location on twitter or on a comment here. Where could that little robot be resting? He looks all tuckered out. You can get 3D Printing Blueprints now …
New TARDIS ring
I’ve put a new style of TARDIS ring in the Etsy store, one that has a plastic gem in it for the light since the print orientation would make that overhang. I like the way it looks and it’s subtle enough for daily wear. However I was thinking it might look better in metal with a real gem so I …
Rain Gutter Regatta Trophy Stand
My sons were in their local cub scout troop’s rain gutter regatta and afterwards I wanted them to have a cool place to store their boats so I made this. A rain gutter regatta stand available to download for free on thingiverse. In truth those pictures are hue shifted because I printed them for my sons in red, because I have …
The best bad Blender tutorial I’ve ever seen
By all rights this is a lousy tutorial. It doesn’t talk about the steps being done, it doesn’t introduce the concepts being used, it runs through the material at a break-neck pace without consideration for the learner. And yet I have learned more by repeatedly going through this tutorial than I would have ever expected. Maybe it’s because of the …
3D Printing Tidbit – About Face
If done well the place where a print starts and ends on a layer should be invisible. Of course if that were the case I wouldn’t have anything to tidbit. In reality there is often a “seem” running up the print, and usually it’s running up the front right through all the detail which can really ruin minitures or objects …
Adventures in selling designs part 2
A challenger appears! I haven’t sold any models yet, but there has been a few alternatives to Ponoko that I may throw my hand in. Maker6 allows you to sell models, physical prints, and eventually print time on your machine. So basically it’s a little bit of Ponoko, Etsy, and MakeXYZ rolled into one, more focused on 3D printing. If …
Fixed again, mea maxima culpa
So it turns out my Makerbot is just fine. Remember that build platform upgrade I did a few weeks back? The removable glass platforms that BottleWorks made are longer on one side, I have no idea why, because the only thing that happens with that is if you put it on wrong it blocks the Y-gantry, which is what I …