Welcome to Joe’s 3D Workbench

Welcome and thanks for visiting Joe’s 3D Workbench. My name is Joe Larson. I am author of the beginner’s introduction to 3D design using Blender, 3D Printing Blueprints, as well as the designer of a growing library of over 100 objects on Thingiverse and Ponoko. When I won a 3D printer from the Makerbot/Tinkercad Chess challenge I started a the Joe’s …

Well that’s new

One of the great things about 3D printing is just when you think you’ve got a pretty good idea of what’s going on it throws you a curve ball. I’m printing a model that is mostly infill in PLA and about 1/4 inch up it stops doing the infill for no apparent reason. I wasn’t watching it at the time …

Store is open, Chessbots discounted

The etsy store is back in business. And since this is Black Friday I’ve dropped the price of my chessbots from $25 to $15. There are only 9 left and when they’re gone they’re gone.

That is a great idea

I’ve got a couple loose spools that I don’t know if they’re ABS or PLA. I wish I had thought of the idea Joseph did. Acetone will stick to ABS, but not PLA, so it makes the perfect identifier.

Printing again. Again.

This will mark the 3rd time I’ve had to replace the ceramic tape on my extruder heads, and it was just as painful as the first two times. But hopefully this time it’ll be the last. Because this time I’ve used high temp tape. My theory is that the reason my tape keeps failing is because when a print fails …

New website and facebook page for the book

Busy day. First thing to report is I finally got off my rump, registered learn3dprintingblueprints.com, which is a bit longer than I wanted but squatters these days, and made a web site for it including that video I made a while back. Secondly, 3D Printing Blueprints also has a facebook page. If you could go and like it that would …

Shutting down the shop for Thanksgiving break

I’m going to be out of town for Thanksgiving, and what with the problems and maintenance that I haven’t had time to do on the 3D printer I’ve got to shut the shop until December. I wish there was a way I can do a soft shut-down so people can still see what I have to offer. First thing when I …

More forced down time

Found out what that mystery bolt was for. It was holding the X-Axis motor to the bracket. There was another on the other side, so no harm. But now I have another problem. Winter has brought failed prints and fail prints have once again it’s shredded the ceramic tape wrap, which in turn is causing prints to fail. Vicious cycle. …

Just file this under the “If I had $1000000”

In my research of 3D scanners I kinda decided that I’d like to have a bank of cameras that took simultaneous pictures from multiple angles. However, that’s expensive and difficult to coordinate from a technical perspective. That is until Richard from the Netherlands thought to use a networked bank of Raspberry pis with camera modules. They receive a network message, snap …

Testing 3D Printed Dice Fairness – New Hollow Dice

Using the information gathered last time I modified a dice I made in tinkercad way back when and made a die that I figured would be sufficiently fair. Hollow like before this die has totally sharp edges. But because I can’t leave well enough alone I made another that had flat corners, or “truncated” to use a geometric term. After …