Running a 3D printing business can be… busy

I’d like to be entertaining you with awesome prints off my makerbot. I’d like to be composing some sort of intelligent commentary to the new Makerbot lineup and their closed 3D model store on 3DHacker. But no sooner does my delicious holiday break end and real work begin but I am besieged by people wanting to give me money. Literally, in …

HIPS Experiment #3

Now my final experiment with HIPS, not that I’m done with HIPS, just done with experimenting. Now I know what it’s capable of and I can stop experimenting and start doing. Not 100% satisfied with how the slicing software handles the bottom of spheres. But it worked well enough that the failures in the print came from the print, not …

Interview on 3DForged

If you’ve never heard of, don’t feel bad. They’re new At least I think they’re new. Because I’ve never heard of them. Anyways, their kicking off their site with some interview questions of yours truly. If you think they missed a question post it in the comments or contact me and I’ll be happy to answer them all.

It’s over 1000

I’m pretty sure I had a board reset at one point, so the real number may be actually higher than that. The right LED behind the panel has just started going flaky, but the printer is otherwise functional and awesome and over 1000 print hours old. Here’s to another great year of prints.

If at first you don’t succeed… iterate

I need a place to store business cards that I get from people. Not that I get a lot of business cards from people, but I have some, and the ones I want to keep don’t have a home. So I downloaded a card holder (long ago, no idea where I got it) and printed it out. Of course once …

The final upgrade

This is upgrade is one that I’ve put off because it meant taking a lot of the Makerbot apart. But now that I’m doing so much switching between ABS and PLA, and since I’ve got a little time with the holidays, it’s time to add Bottleworks’ Aluminum Arms upgrade to my Makerbot. These arms I purchased from Bottleworks quite a …

Get 3D Printing Blueprints for $5 until January 5th

If you’ve been holding out on getting a copy of 3D Printing Blueprints now is the time to do it because PacktPub is holding a “everything for $5” bonanza. Get a digital copy of 3D Printing Blueprints now until January 3rd for only $5. Remember, you don’t need a 3D printer to model for them. And if you pick up …

HIPS Experiment #2

Time to do another HIPS experiment, this time with turpentine. Result: I let myself get a bit wordy in the video so it ran a bit long, but Turpentine does seem to dissolve HIPS. I didn’t let it dissolve as long as the last experiment so it didn’t dissolve completely, but it does seem to do the job. However the …

3D printing toys

‘Tis the season. For toys. Hopefully you got some great toys. I took some time this season to try out 3D printing some toys. Of course 3D printers are capable of useful things and that should be stressed. But fun is fun and fun is good. I made 3DKitbash’s launcher and found it… won’t be replacing real toys. It works …

Using HIPS for support

Joseph Chiu, 3D printing buddy of mine and filament supplier, has beat me to the punch on some of the HIPS experimentation. This was going to be experiment 3 for me, using the software tools to make disolvable supports. The latest version of Makerware (2.4.1) seems very well suited to making even the most difficult shape, a sphere, actually work. …