New logo for Cymon’s Designs

I wanted to do a dual color design 3D printed logo for Cymon’s Designs. (Have I mentioned Cymon’s Designs yet? Well, more about that coming later.) But when I did a simple design it seemed a bit… boring. So I decided to play with it a bit and make each letter something different. The C is a spiral. The Y …

Anyone want a golden idol?

I’ve finally printed and painted a gold idol from Spelunky that is just the gold idol, no loop for a charm, so that I will have something for when I decide to post the model on CGTraider. Only problem is… I don’t need a gold idol sitting around. So I’ve thrown it up on Etsy. Anyone want a Gold Idol? …

Clearly a cleric… or bishop

Next in my series of mini humanoid figurines is a bishop or cleric figure. Like the knight this is designed to be printed only 1″ tall, but will have more detail shown at 2″ tall. I’m actually really surprised how much detail makes it through at 2″. Making this model involved learning cloth simulations (the green part in the image …

Multi-part Print Contest by ToyBuilderLabs and Reddit

I’ve entered the Cymon bot into a reddit contest sponsored by ToyBuilder Labs. If you have any multi-part prints you should take some pictures and enter.

My Trophy on Wil Wheaton’s 3D printer

I never did print the TableTop Trophy I made. I knew it would work. The one part I had a question about I isolated and worked on until it was good. But Wil Wheaton printed it, and it looks marvelous. Whether or not this trophy will be released for others to download or whether it will be kept exclusive I …

Cymon is really real!

I am super excited to show off that Cymon, a character I created years ago as a mascot for my projects, is now a super posable toy with 17 points of articulation suitable to be a mascot for my 3D printed projects now, too. I’ve made the files available on CGTraider so you can make your own. Be warned, it’s a …

Another quick Saturday project

I’m still setting up my new workspace, and just like last Saturday I needed something. In this case it was something that doesn’t exist. Do I let that stop me? Not when a few minutes in blender will get me what I want. A little block extrusion and smooth subidviding makes a part as nice as any you could find …

Sacrifice a few damsels on my build surface and this appears

Spelunky. I love Spelunky. My kids enjoy Spelunky. My 4 year old son asks for it by name. Well, he calls it “Speedmonkey” but it’s basically the same thing. It’s a game of exploration, adventure, mastery, risk and reward, and just plain fun. There’s an item in the game called the “Kapala“. It’s… well it a little bit morbid but …

What a day for a knight

Lots going on in this little model which you can download for free on CGTrader, in case you want to skip my rambling and get something cool to print. First of all, why am I modeling a knight? Well, besides getting to practice posing a model with the skills I learned from the barbarian, I’m working on a trophy for …

Printin’ Cymon part 2

Just a quick update on Cymon, Before I resized the pieces I wanted to come up with a new joint that would be easier to use, hold strong, connect easy, disconnect easy, and print well. 3D Printing for Architects had some information on tolerances and fittings that I had never seen before and helped guide my design until I found a …