Laywoo Magic

My eldest son’s class is doing a Harry Potter theme this year. So he had the bright idea of 3D printing his own wand (which he designed in TinkerCad). Of course I saw this as a perfect opportunity pick up and try out a roll of Laywoo from Materhackers. The final result feels a little more like paper than wood. …

Printin’ Cymon part 1

This is an exciting project that has been a long time coming for me. I have a previous semi-inactive project called “Cymon’s Games” that I named after this mascot character I created. Sort of a robot built from old computer parts. I’ve wanted to tackle the challenge of bringing Cymon into the real world in some way. This first draft …

Guy Fawkes on the Rear View Mirror

Here’s a picture from satisfied Etsy customer George L of South Carolina. I make these things but I don’t know what people will do with them. I’m pretty happy with this though. Glad I use ABS so it won’t warp on a hot day. I’ve got a few new charms that are coming soon if you’re a fan of Spelunky you …

Together again

And if you’re not humming the Muppets after reading that title could you please get older. Thanks again to JetGuy, my Motherboard arrived, all in one piece last night. I put everything back together, took it apart to fix the thermocouples I got backwards, and put it back together again and ran my first print. Soap stamps. What did you …

Another design contest

CGTrader is a site that I considered when planning to sell my 3D models for 3D printing. It’s still an option if Ponoko ever falls out of favor, but CGTrader is less about 3D printing and more about, just, 3D which I think would be confusing if my Mom were shopping for models for her theoretical $300 3D printer. But …

Upgrading the motherboard

Jetguy is now working on my motherboard, and am I glad he’s doing it an not me. He’s posted some pictures of the process and it’s fascinating. This, for me, would be a daunting process, but for him he’s quipping that he’s doing a Makerbot repair in the same amount of time that you can get express glasses. Unfortunately with …

MyMiniFactor Valentine design contest

MyMiniFactory is gearing up for Valentines day and is running another contest. And of course I have a book that will teach you how to design if you don’t know how so you can enter contests like this in the future.

See a need, fill a need

While I’m waiting for the mod on my motherboard I’d like to feature a project I found on Reddit that really caught my attention. The project and story behind it is best told by the original author, so I’ll leave it to him. Be sure to mouse over the images for the description or click here. And I’d be remiss …

Brainless and Naked

Never let it be said that Jetguy isn’t a cool guy. On the Google groups he also made me aware that every time I turn on my bot I’m playing Russian roulette with my power regulator. But he also offered to do the quick mod that will fix it. So I’ve ripped the brain out of my Makerbot in order …

Duster Ring on CubeHero

 Where to start? First off, CubeHero. Wil has put together a great little site. It’s basically a combination of Thingiverse and Github, meaning it’s designed to help the iterative design process. More than a few of my designs have benefited from a public exchange of information and expertise. But thingiverse made it hard to track changes and find “head”, or …