I am slowly migrating my 3D models to YouMagine and experimenting with PinShape at the same time. I may have more to say about them in a little while. But for now my migration to YouMagine isn’t just a straight copy of my 148 designs on Thingiverse. It’s a thoughtful culling of old designs and obsolete iterations, as well as …
Buy 3D Printing Blueprints for only $10
Packt is running a promotion to celebrate their 10th year. That means right now you can buy any ebook or video, including 3D printing blueprints for only $10. But it’s only for a week, so you’d better jump on that before my segments on on 3D Printing Today drive up demand.
The future of stealing objects is… not here yet.
There is a number of people afraid that 3D printing coupled with 3D scanning technology will result in <echo filter>the end of civilization</echo filter>. Never mind that it will only be able to copy things that don’t have separate moving parts, unless you take it apart first, and never mind that Everything is a Remix (totally worth the 30 minutes …
Fixing cottage cheese prints
Since upgradeing my extruder I noticed something in my prints. It wasn’t until I was finishing up a job for a customer that I had a clue what it was. The customer wanted a print that was big, and 100% infill. And the result was a print with a lot of mess on it so that even after vapor smoothing …
I’m going to be going to GenCon
Just Game, the company that has hired me to do several 3D modes for their upcoming game “Boardcraft”, will be demoing their game at GenCon on August 14-17 in Indianapolis, and I’ll be there to help them. This is the first con I’ve ever attended, but as a guy with a book, I hope this will start a trend. I modeled …
New vapor smoothing pot
I got a new steamer pot specifically to use for vapor smoothing. It’s large which means that it will allow me to smooth more things without worrying about things. However it uses a much greater splash of acetone every time to fill it’s volume, which had me checking acetone’s toxicity report. Apparently I’m safe. Do not turn the pan on …
Making money with a 3D printer
I’ve written in the past about the idea of a 3D printer as a money making asset, and I recently got a request to revisit this idea. So I am. First of all, if you are buying a 3D printer with the intent that it is going to make you money, but you have no other idea in your head …
Back in business… mostly
Continued from this post… basically. I haven’t got one of those fancy soldering iron and desoldering iron that everyone tells me I need. Got mine in a kit at CompUSA before they closed down. Got a desoldering bulb to work with it at RadioShack. But that was all I needed to remove the remnants of the parts that broke and solder in the …
Fixing the bot… by breaking it
Got a package in the mail. I am looking over this exturder and loving it. It has, literally, every upgrade I’ve done to my old extruder already built in. It diverts the fans so they don’t blow down. It reenforced the cables to the don’t get pulled as the bot moves around. And on the other end all the wires …
At least I managed to print the heart tokens
So here’s the good news. Now that I have a picture you can download the heart tokens for love letter on YouMagine. And for the bad news. In a word AAAARRRRGH! First of all the right extruder is still broken. I still can’t trust my left extruder so I’m doing small, then a little larger prints to hopefully scale up …