Modeling for 3D Printing Tip Video 2 – Decimate

Here’s the next video tip in my series of video tip vlogs. I’m still trying to figure this out. I’m still making mistakes. But hopefully people will enjoy it and someone will learn something that will help them. If you like this and it helped you please share and subscribe. And as usual, if there are questions you want answered …

3D printed wood backhoe

I’m wrapping up a huge project that’s kinda eating up all my spare cycles at the moment and that I hope to do a big reveal for. That’s why my posts lately have been more commentary. But while I’m pointing you to other cool places on the web here’s something awesome. And there are so many angles I could …

Win a 3D printer in the 3D Printing Forum contest

I am remiss that I haven’t mentioned this before. 3D Printing Forum is having a contest, the first prize is a DaVinci 3D printer and all you have to do is participate in the forums. I mean they’re being pretty transparent about the whole thing. They want more people to use their forums so they are bribing you to use …

Candy pumpkin carve fail

A forum post on Board Game Geek point me to the idea of passing out a board game for Halloween that uses candies for pieces. But it involved 3 pieces being one way and 1 piece being another. I thought with 3D printing I could “carve” candy pumpkins quickly and easily. So I took some measurements and made an object …

Dr. Fluff’s Robot Factory Android App Review

Genetically building robots for 3D printing Android app. If that sentance sounds more than a little buzzword laden that’s because it is. Yet that’s the premise behind Dr. Fluff’s Robot Factory. I get the sense that the Robot Factory is testing the waters for their more robust genetic app later, apparently using dinosaurs since they’ve been uploading them to thingiverse …

3D Printer Buying Guide Video

User Metnor asked “What type of printer du you have?And what do you recommend for starters that want to test it out?” In this video I answer those questions. Hopefully somebody is watching these videos and that they’re of use to some people. If you like them please like, share, and subscribe.

Where to list/find 3D models

There are a ton of places to list your models and I’ve tried to at least dip my toe in as many as I can. However, I’m still migrating to YouMagine from Thingiverse, so there’s no way I can maintain multiple repositories without hiring a personal assistant. (On a related note, I am accepting applications for unpaid interns at the …

Sailfish Tip: Turn off Extrusion Hold

I’ve been fighting with a problem lately. I’m not sure when it started exactly. It was around when I installed the new extruder assembly or there about, but my printer lost the ability to do sharp turns. Anything that had tight details that involved the extruder making small circular areas always ended up looking crappy. Drooly, lumpy, not good. Fine …

RepRap Cookbook review

I will never speak ill of my experience writing for Packt Publishing. I absolutely loved it. But if I could offer them one bit of advice it’s to choose a title after writing the book, and not stick with the title that the book started with. Take my book for example. “3D Printing Blueprints” doesn’t’ really say “The beginner’s guide …

Modeling for 3D Printing Tip Video 1 – YHT

I’m putting together a series of videos partially in service of my book, partially in support of the 3D printing today segments I’ve done, and partially just because I wanted to. I was told these videos would be good for me, so let’s see where these take me. Here is my previous (text) post on this sort of thing: …