Guiding the wise guys

We have a Nativity in our house that is kid safe. So naturally the star quickly went missing. Thank heavens it was the monochromatic part with the simple geometry. A little measuring of the peg with my calipers and it was off to Blender. Rotate the default cube 45 degrees, subdivide in the X and Y, pull the corners out …

Chris Fink: Fixing Cootie

Spotted on Reddit, Christopher Fink has used his 3D printer to fix the game Cootie. Cootie isn’t the sort of game I’m interested in playing or owning, particularly. Too luck based. But it is a perfect game to be adapted for 3D printing. In fact I think a whole 3D printed version of cootie would be trivial. I found it …

Video – Making it Manifold

So did anyone notice in my last video that I was reading from a script? Obviously not doing that this time. It took all day (literally) to craft that script the way I wanted it. It’s almost more time consuming than editing. But I think the result was good. What did you think? Was the last video markedly better than …

SLA Dragon ring

I recently, randomly, ran into a giveaway for a 3d printed dragon ring. All I had to do was guess the layer height and time to print and I could win. Based on what I know about DLP printing I guessed this ring was made by that process and made my guesses accordingly. And owing to the fact that practically …

Kid scans to game pawns

This week has been super busy with last minute Christmas etsy orders. But I got a little to talk about. Remember those Kinect scans I did of my kids? They had some ideas for some edits they wanted. So I spent some time and made some figures for them: I designed them to be printable (if only just) at 1″ …

3D Printing Video – Distributed Manufacturing and Board Games

The technical problems don’t end. I still haven’t solved the resolution issue (by the way, these are recorded at 800×450 because any more causes stutters) but I don’t think I can blame it on the compression this time. Thanks to Adahop for helping me through that. And as much as I would have loved to reserve this video against the time …

Download the birdcage chess set FTW

And here I thought I wouldn’t have anything to write about. I’ve entered my birdcage chess set and functional small engine pull handle replacement into MyMiniFactory’s support free 3D printing competition and if I may say so my birdcage chess set totally deserves to win this one because more than any other entry this one doesn’t look like it should print without …


Don’t know why, but when I saw the JoiTorii on Pinshape I just had to print one. Maybe it’s because I’m more otaku than I like to admit. Whatever the reason my showoff shelf. Printed laying down with supports. But it turns out it’s more subtly curved than I expected so the supports didn’t come off cleanly. So I ran …

21st century fix-it man.

We had a broken part in the dishwasher that kept the metal tracks from sliding out too far. Where would we got to find this part? I have no idea. Could we buy just the part we need? Who knows? Could I 3D print it instead? Oh yes. Broken, first iteration, final fix All it took was calipers, an hour …

Smoothing ABS video

So many obstacles got in the way of this video. First of all the recording software I used did not compress the video. Didn’t realize that until I tried to upload it. 7 hours later in VirtualDub and it was a more uploadable size. Then there was the uploading and the annotations. Oh, about that. there’s a hidden annotation that …