Joe’s 3D Workbench is live

I’ve been thinking for a while that I should do this. But the logistics escaped me until I saw an instructable on using an old Android phone add a webcam and I thought, “I have an old Android phone,  I should do this”. So I did and now the workbench is live. And by live I mean whenever I print something …

Covering the sunglass with tinted plastic

And now for the exciting conclusion to my sunglasses video. I considered many different sources for something I could use to block light and UV for my sunglasses. I explored tinted lighting gels like they use on stage, but most of those are either tinted or UV blocking, not both. Fortunately my plan B worked well. I decided to find …

Deathly Hallows Pendant

This is an idea that’s been percolating for a long time. There are a ton of Deathly Hallow’s 3D pendants out there, but none of them actually use the Deathly Hallows as objects. Well, no more. Presenting the Deathly Hallows as objects arranged like the symbol for the Deathly Hallows. Some liberty was taken with the relative scale. I’ve made …

Solving a problem at the Optometrist

“Have a seat and remove your glasses.” “Aaaaand… where should I put them?” The thing about doctor’s offices is they often give me plenty of time to come up with solutions to trivial problems like “where do I put my glasses?” I’m sitting in that chair attached to something that could conceivably be used to pilot a star craft and …

Video – Modeling Sunglasses from a Photograph

This week’s video covers the technique of matching something in the real world with an object you’re modeling using nothing more than a photograph. The same technique is also covered in Chapter 10 of 3D Printing Blueprints. I will get the report on how I got the plastic and how I stuck it on next week. Passed 200 YouTube subscribers …

Wood Wars Video follow up.

I printed the Wood Wars base soldier I recorded a time lapse of modeling and it worked great. Details look fine. I still want to revisit it and add some detail but I should probably focus on other units first. Making detail minis (with exchangeable heads) is a lot of work and I keep having smaller, easier to finish, projects pop …

Updating the space wrench

So after dissecting the space wrench I got to thinking about the problem of it only being for tightening bolts and how to fix that. After some discussion in the comments on a similar video by Barnacules I think I have a solution. A removable center peg that can be flipped to the other side reversing the ratcheting action to loosen …

Growing a project list

Have you ever thought “Ugh, I’ve got too much to do” But then you actually write out your todo list and it’s, like, four things? Happens to me a lot. But not this time. I started writing out the list of projects I’m in the middle of and projects I want to do and the list just kept growing. It …

The biggest lithophane I’ve ever

This was a Christmas gifts I can finally tell you all about, the biggest lithophane project I’ve ever seen. Definitely the biggest I’ve done. Oh, man, the technical hurdles over come for this one. First of all, the lamp we got had 4 panels that were too big for the print bed. So I had to rig adapters to turn …

Dissecting the Space Wrench Video

As if there was any doubt we’re living in the future, the group “Made in Space” has sent a 3D printer to the international space station and e-mail them a tool to print and use up there. Then they made that tool available to us. In this video I dissect Made in Space’s wrench in blender to show how it …