What you see ain’t always what you get

I printed  the Zheng mini defender, partially to test it for Wood Wars 3D. The print looked good. But it fired less good.  I think the problem was the filament I used was drooly so the delivery mechanism didn’t move easily enough. However I also wasn’t sure what to string it with. I used floss. And the legs broke whilepositioning …

New video and so much more

I took last week off from reporting and videos, but I wasn’t any less busy because of it. Most of my focus right now is printing copies of Wood Wars and working on some art assets and rules, as well as a project mentioned briefly in this week’s video that I will tell you more about as it gets closer …

Where shall I go for stuff?

2 years ago there was only 1 home for 3D printable stuff. The world kaotao’d the mighty thingiverse. But it seems like every month I’m learning about a new repository popping up, and I’m starting to like some of them. So here’s a run down of the the marketplaces for 3D printable files that I know of and a personal …

Solving 50 cent problems with 3D printing

In this picture the 5 in a star are the 3D printed copies of the other one that’s the original. This is another project you know I did not come pu with myself. This is a piece for an automatic weaving loom. A very little piece. But being so little they’re easy to lose. This is the loom. And on …

Game Pencil Box Video

I like these project videos. I mean, I’m doing the projects already, so just record the experience and make a video. I hope you like them too. MyMiniFactory is experimenting with a new TV channel thing, and as much as I’d like to endorse it more fully there are a couple of things it lacks. Mostly it doesn’t record my …

The last build plate I’ll ever want?

At this point every build plate I have has chipped. Glad build plate are turning into a bit of a consumable for me. A better solution has got to be out there. So once again I turned to the experts on the Google groups and someone suggested a metal build plate. So I went to a local meal shop of …

Sacrificial Towers and Shell Settings

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QfCtAMZmofc This week’s regular video is a simple tip video for getting the most of your 3D printer’s prints by using sacrificial towers and proper shell settings. I don’t mention it in the video, but the big boys don’t need to worry about sacrificial towers, but they do have to worry about shell settings.

Wood Wars 3D Intro Video and Contest Announcement

A second video in the same week? Well, there’s a good reason for this one. But, yes, my video content has been increasing while my text content has severely dropped off. I hope that’s okay with everyone. This is Wood Wars 3D. I realize I haven’t done a super good job conveying the idea that’s been in my head this …

Modeling a Cyclist pawn video

A little something different this week, a time lapse of modeling and printing a project. This week I finally model the winning entry from the STAB JOE contest. Lots of links this week: Winning STAB JOE entry Download link on PinShape or YouMagine Tarang Hardikar’s Cadence game Wood Wars Mailing list

Successfully printing flexy

The mod to my bot to make my bot flexible friendly was successful. Of course printing ninjaflex also means slowing down, way down, from what I’m used to. But it works. So I printed a model that had long, tall sections, and learned that flexible prints need to be… sturdy. It’s kind of a no brainier now that I know …