Which way is Z

Since my last post here I had a good first day on the Wood Wars 3D kickstarter… and not much else happen the rest of the week dispite my best efforts to push it forward. So I’ve dropped the kickstarter efforts for now. Which gives me more time for regular videos like this:

Wood Wars 3D is live on Kickstarter!

It’s been a lot of work so far, but the Kickstarter for Wood Wars 3D is finally live on Kickstarter. Check it out and spread the word.  The more the merrier: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/834808051/wood-wars-3d

A physical portfolio

If I were clever I’d come up with a clever name for this. Port-thing-io? Physfolio? Eh. It’s a lunchbox with stuff in it. And like any good portfolio its contents will change depending on whom I’m showing it to, but the chessbot is probably a staple. The wow factor. My goal is to keep this with me to show local …

MakerClub’s Alphabet Bracelet

Gotta admit, I’ve been watching Maker Club’s Alphabet Bracelet project on my news feed but I’ve mostly glossed over it. Until today. This, right there, is why I am telling you about this project right now. A fully FFFriendly locking joint. That is working within the confines of of the medium and producing something brilliant. You can download the alphabet …

Literally reinventing the wheel.

Our dishwasher rack slipped and fel against the heating element melting one of the wheels so my wife suggested I fix this with 3D printing like I’ve done before. So flexing my manly mouse pushing muscles I loaded up Blender and started modeling, scratching my head about what concessions I would have to make to have it print without supports …

DRM Free sale, and a rant about DRM

Packt, publisher of my book 3D Printing Blueprints is doing a stupid good sale on e-books. So go check it out. I wish I had known today’s day against DRM was coming so I could prepare a video for it, because there’s a video I’ve wanted to prepare for a long time about the subject. But since time is short …

The ultimate vanity object

Or ultimate heirloom. This was made by taking a scan of my wife with a Kinect and editing it. When printing I changed filament and then smoothed the print. The scannect doesn’t take a lot of details, so this is a less detailed cameos, but it works okay. I learned something when making this. The cameo is ABS, the setting …

3D Printing a stamp with Ninjaflex

I make a lot of plastic impression stamps. But I’ve never made one out of ninjaflex until now. Does it work? Actually, yeah, more than I expected anyways. The top finish isn’t quite as smooth as a traditional stamp, it works best if you put something soft under the paper to add some flex and increase coverage, the lettering turned …

Root Beer Hangle project Video

I’ll admit to cheating a bit with this week’s video. This is a video I put together for my portfolio. So go there to learn more about this video.

3D Printed Belt

You know the problem with 3D printing a belt buckle and weaving your own belt? After a a year of wear this happens. Of course there is an advantage. The next one is going to be made with duct tape.