MakerClub’s Alphabet Bracelet

Gotta admit, I’ve been watching Maker Club’s Alphabet Bracelet project on my news feed but I’ve mostly glossed over it. Until today. This, right there, is why I am telling you about this project right now. A fully FFFriendly locking joint. That is working within the confines of of the medium and producing something brilliant. You can download the alphabet …

Literally reinventing the wheel.

Our dishwasher rack slipped and fel against the heating element melting one of the wheels so my wife suggested I fix this with 3D printing like I’ve done before. So flexing my manly mouse pushing muscles I loaded up Blender and started modeling, scratching my head about what concessions I would have to make to have it print without supports …

DRM Free sale, and a rant about DRM

Packt, publisher of my book 3D Printing Blueprints is doing a stupid good sale on e-books. So go check it out. I wish I had known today’s day against DRM was coming so I could prepare a video for it, because there’s a video I’ve wanted to prepare for a long time about the subject. But since time is short …

The ultimate vanity object

Or ultimate heirloom. This was made by taking a scan of my wife with a Kinect and editing it. When printing I changed filament and then smoothed the print. The scannect doesn’t take a lot of details, so this is a less detailed cameos, but it works okay. I learned something when making this. The cameo is ABS, the setting …

3D Printing a stamp with Ninjaflex

I make a lot of plastic impression stamps. But I’ve never made one out of ninjaflex until now. Does it work? Actually, yeah, more than I expected anyways. The top finish isn’t quite as smooth as a traditional stamp, it works best if you put something soft under the paper to add some flex and increase coverage, the lettering turned …

Root Beer Hangle project Video

I’ll admit to cheating a bit with this week’s video. This is a video I put together for my portfolio. So go there to learn more about this video.

3D Printed Belt

You know the problem with 3D printing a belt buckle and weaving your own belt? After a a year of wear this happens. Of course there is an advantage. The next one is going to be made with duct tape.

What you see ain’t always what you get

I printed  the Zheng mini defender, partially to test it for Wood Wars 3D. The print looked good. But it fired less good.  I think the problem was the filament I used was drooly so the delivery mechanism didn’t move easily enough. However I also wasn’t sure what to string it with. I used floss. And the legs broke whilepositioning …

New video and so much more

I took last week off from reporting and videos, but I wasn’t any less busy because of it. Most of my focus right now is printing copies of Wood Wars and working on some art assets and rules, as well as a project mentioned briefly in this week’s video that I will tell you more about as it gets closer …

Where shall I go for stuff?

2 years ago there was only 1 home for 3D printable stuff. The world kaotao’d the mighty thingiverse. But it seems like every month I’m learning about a new repository popping up, and I’m starting to like some of them. So here’s a run down of the the marketplaces for 3D printable files that I know of and a personal …