Food Safe Video

Whenever someone comes up with a 3d printed food cutter or kitchen utensil someone has to ask if it’s food safe. So I decided to contact the Food and Drug Administration and ask them. The answer surprised me. I thought the little little crack in 3D prints would cause a problem because of bacteria growth, but what I was told …

Smoothing PLA part 1

ABS smooths easy. Easy to get acetone in a container with your print, heat it up if you don’t want to wait very long, and you’re done. But I discovered PLA is not so easy to smooth, and there’s a lot of conflicting information online. I heard someone say MEK and MEK substitute works just like acetone on PLA. I …

A squishy friend for the portfolio

I realized my thing portfollio needed an example of a ninjaflex print, so I made a squishy Yog Soggoth. I don’t know why it amuses me so much to have a flexible lovecraft flying spaghetti monster, but it does.

PTFE thermal tube liners – Good, Bad, and Garbage

When I upgraded my extruder the new assembly came with a little part that made a big change, PTFE (teflon) thermal barrier tube liners, a small tube that the plastic feed through before hitting the hot end. In theory these tubes served two purposes. First, they prevented the plastic from sticking as it went through the feed assembly, resulting in …

CarnEvil coin project video

This week I model and print the coin from the video game CarnEvil. If you have something you’d like to see made real with 3D printing, be sure to post a comment. Download and print your own: Watch the video that inspired the project. Ross’s Game Dungeon Carnevil (NSFKids) –

Arrow of Light Holder

Not every 3D print will change the world. Some will simply bear our accomplishments for the world to see. You can download the arrow display hook on YouMagine.

Manufacturing Wood Wars 3D part 1

Last week I set about to find out how many Wood Wars 3D sets 1 3D printer can produce. I always estimated it as 1 set per day, but I didn’t have any hard data. Spoilers, I may have overestimated. Day 1 I manged to start 3 sets and get one of them almost completed. I was using dual printing …

Which way is Z

Since my last post here I had a good first day on the Wood Wars 3D kickstarter… and not much else happen the rest of the week dispite my best efforts to push it forward. So I’ve dropped the kickstarter efforts for now. Which gives me more time for regular videos like this:

Wood Wars 3D is live on Kickstarter!

It’s been a lot of work so far, but the Kickstarter for Wood Wars 3D is finally live on Kickstarter. Check it out and spread the word.  The more the merrier:

A physical portfolio

If I were clever I’d come up with a clever name for this. Port-thing-io? Physfolio? Eh. It’s a lunchbox with stuff in it. And like any good portfolio its contents will change depending on whom I’m showing it to, but the chessbot is probably a staple. The wow factor. My goal is to keep this with me to show local …