Rubicon Software Update

A while back the Rubicon Scanner people announced they had a new version of their software that I’ve been unable to check out (for the same technical problems that’s why I haven’t had a lot of 3D printing news lately) until just recently. Spoiler alert, it’s a vast improvement, but not quite there yet. The new version has a new …

Ciclop Scanner First pass

Since the Rubtech Scanner wasn’t working out the way I hoped I was excited when the Ciclop folks reached out to me to let me try their scanner out. It’s about the same price as what I paid for the Rubicon, but it uses open source software and looks to be a much more open machine. So how does it …

Universal Phone and Tablet Car Mount

Like every project this one stemmed from a need I had. I had taken to using my tablet to read me the scriptures and then to listen to podcasts on my commute. But having my phone sit next to me meant that occasionally my eyes left the road, and that’s not safe. So I wanted to figture out a way …

More adventures with the Rubicon Scanner

My Rubicon Scanner just keeps getting more and more worthless the more I play with it. Turns out not only are the scans not acurate to real life, they’re significantly warped. And the reason is their calibration instructions: Make sure that the laser lines cross in the center of the rotating disk. If they don’t, you might want to adjust the …

500 Subscribers and a book!

Threw together this video to celebrate 500 subscribers on my YouTube channel and announce that I will be working on a new series of books with my publisher. These books will be shorter and cheaper than my old book and when it’s done the books will be available in a compilation. Think of it as a try-before-you-buy. Details coming as …

More adventures in printer repair

When I started my first 3D printing blog it was all about the printer, the fiddling I needed to do to get it working and the repairs I needed to do to keep it working. As things have progressed I’ve reported less on the tinkering on the machine and more on the projects that come from the machine, but I’m …

Leapfrog FridgePhonics Replacement Letters

We’ve got one of those refrigerator toys that takes up a lot space and that the kids delight in playing with at full volume when mommy and daddy are making dinner. Our set is somewhat incomplete. I always planned on doing this project once I had a scanner. I didn’t need to, I could have just taken measurements. But it …

3D Video – Modelling Hena from Twilight Princess

This video was a special request from a YouTube comment by Ryotaiku to do Hena from Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. This model was downloaded from and I show you how to pose the model in Blender. I’m always looking for my next challenge so leave a comment! Download the 3D printable model at

Rubicon 3D Scanner

It was a long time ago I back the Rubicon 3D Scanner on kickstarter. Delays are to be expected with kickstarters. But finally it delivered. Setup was easy, the software wasn’t too bad, calibration was well documented. Drivers were a bit hard to find the download link for, but not too bad after that. After that it was time to grab …

3D printing and cosplay

I know I mentioned this before, didn’t I? A while ago I did some prints for a guy making a General Zod costume. Didn’t I mention that? Can’t find where I mentioned that. Anyways, by happenstance I ran across Eric Browning wearing his completed Zod costume this weekend at the Salt Lake Gaming Con. If I may say those 300 …