Vlog – New Book, Upcoming Contest, and 3D Printed Sundial

So now the cats out of the bag, on a number of matters. Of course the video’s mail selling point is the 3D printed sun dial, which you can get your own and try it out here:http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1149469 Book is out. I’ve been working hard on it and I hope that you’ll check it out:https://www.packtpub.com/hardware-and-creative/3d-printing-designs-octopus-pencil-holder Pinshape has asked me to help …

My designs were stolen and sold on eBay

I’m sorry it’s been a while. Things have been happening and I’ll tell you more about them next week, but I had to get this video out quickly because I’ve been a victim of the eBay 3D rip off scandal, and I’m not happy about it. But not for the reason you may think. If you haven’t heard about this …

Introducting the Thingfolio

Naming things apparently isn’t one of my strengths. So bear with me as I introduce to you… The thingfolio. On the outside is just a fuzzy lunchbox with a zebra stripe pattern and the name of my design company. And on the inside… there’s examples of 3D printing and designs that I can offer including figures, customized products and stamps, …

Sailor Moon Pendant Project part 2 Video

So here’s my excuse to talk about finishing PLA prints while I finish the Sailor Moon pendant. I pretty much say it all in the video. I’ve tried MEK, tetrahydrofuran and even hardcore nail polish remover. The workbench went from smelling like a hair salon to smelling like a nail salon for a week. And after it all the only …

When not to use the cooling fan

I’m printing a job of a character holding a staff at various sizes. At 2″ tall the model prints fine. A little larger, it’s fine. But jump to 6 inches tall and the prints failed repeatedly. I tried everything. I made the staff thicker. more shells, added supports (manually), brought the printer in doors. No matter what I did the …

Sailor Moon Pendant Project Part 1 video

If that preview picture isn’t the most disturbing thing you’ve seen today, you must have had a real bad day. Editing this video was delayed because apparently there was one frame at the end of the intro that stopped premier from rendering it. Days lost to figuring that out. This video was recorded before Christmas, and before the last video. …

14 things every 3D printer owner needs to have

That title isn’t too pandery, is it? I mean it’s not entirely inaccurate. This video is all about things every 3D printer owner really should have, but probably didn’t come in the box. My recent expereinces with a new 3D printer gave me reason to come up with this list. Print bed scraper – There are options for this one. Toybuilder …

Wood Wars 3D update

I know it’s been a long time. In case anyone was wondering, Wood Wars 3D is not dead. It’s just in that long tale of polish that as anyone who’s made things knows can eat up a ton of time. But I’ve been dedicating time to it and it’s nearly ready for a big reveal. But before that reveal, here’s …

TARDIS Run intro video

This has been a long time coming. It involved: Updating the old version of the board Creating and testing a new version that prints in parts Updating the rules Modeling the war and 12th doctors Adding another monster so that they were balanced with the number of Doctors Recording and editing a video about it Uploading the updated and new …

When you can’t find the right size, make it

Framing pictures is a pain, especially when the frame is too thin or the picture is too thick and you just can’t find the right size of clips at the hobby store. Oh, wait. I can make anything I want, any size I want. Viola. The colors are off because I did them in 2 batches, one to be sure …