3D Printing with Ninjaflex

I’m officially in a project now. A quest to have a collection of 3D printed chess sets that each has a reason for being, either because the design is amazing or to show off a cool plastic, or both. This has given those rolls of exotic materials that I’ve had around since forever a reason for existing. How long will …

Precious Plastics, a good idea that falls a little short

This is a cool idea. Simple machines that enable home recycling of thermoplastics. A grinder, an exturder, an injection molder, and a, uh, molder, non injection style. Very cool stuff. And to make it better these guys are releasing the files open sourced do that anyone can make these machines for only a few hundred dollars each. Well what am …

Inserting objects into 3D prints

The topic of this video came from a recent project I did for work. They wanted some fancy camera stands, like the one I had for my camera, and I decided to whip them up. Each stand only costs about $4 in parts… plus a 3D printer and design time, but I didn’t charge for those since I did most …

New intro for the YouTube Channel

Despite being only about a minute long the editing on this video was intense. It was another one that I’ve had the footage for for a while but couldn’t edit until just now. It was made specifically to be an better intro to the channel than the old intro to the channel. You know, stepping up my game ‘n all.

Recycled PET filament review

Doggonnit. Cut off the top of my head. Ah well. As I continue to work with this plastic I’m really enjoying it. But I still have stringies to deal with. Still, if I take that into account and print models one at a time the results are really good. One thing I forgot to mention about rPET is the flexibility …

Worst news ever.

Update: So this desperate cry for attention apparently worked and they have a backer and now they’re not going to disappear. Why do I feel a bit let down? I should be ecstatic about this. https://pinshape.com/goodbye I know I just posted something else here, but this news literally just came to me directly from Pinshape’s staff, and this is not …

Doctors have an FDM printer that produces powder prints from sloppy PLA!

Without a doubt, this is touching. Those fancy 3D ultrasounds to 3D prints have been around for a while. But I can’t help being hung up on the fact that at 2:04 we’re seeing what is clearly a sloppy FDM printer, that at 2:14 is dripping plastic like it’s PLA, and then at 2:16 they’re cleaning off the powder SLS …

3D Printed Show Off Shelf Tour

This is one of those videos that was waiting around for me to sort out my editing problems. They’re sorted now, so let’s check out the prints I keep around to show off 3D printing.

10 Cold Hard Truths about owning a 3D printer.

https://www.youtube.com/embed/wLJhfhrVK2U Finally back to editing, and what do you all get? Bad lighting and jaring jump cuts. Let’s hope the content makes up for it. After my last listicle video did so well, and inspired by a similar video by Tony D, I decided to tackle what I though were the truths about 3D printing that people don’t generally want …

Blender Boolean Shenanigans Video – Flipped Normals

This is a topic that someone needed a quick answer to, so I threw this together in abut an hour. No planning. No editing. But I’ve finally answered a question that is super common when using Blender. Well, I’ve half answered it. There’s also the problem of exactly overlapping geometry and sometimes it just won’t work no matter what you …