Decoder Ring Video Code for 3D Scholars: L:OTTD LD LAPJ’B LD BXI EO This video came with a greater than normal measure of baggage. All good stuff. First of all, I recorded this one on my phone. I attempted to use a lapel mic to improve the audio, only to discover that the lapel mic did nothing. So this was recorded with …

Intro chat with Scandy group

The people producing the scandy invited me to do a QA with their group earlier today and I thought I’d share the transcript with everyone. Only a few people showed up, but a good time was has by all as we talked about 3D design, the work I’ve done, and 3D scanning. Enjoy! mattfryou : Feel free to brush up …

3D Printing Safety: 3D Printing 101 Video

For those who don’t know the meme I used for the thumbnail pic, click here. Putting the reviews on hold for a bit to start a new series of videos, an educational 3D printing 101 series that will eventually cover the questions you should ask before buying a 3D printer, questions about what kind of 3D printer to buy, and … PLA review

Video was delayed this week due to Halloween. I hope I’ll get a second video out this week but I have nothing recorded at the moment, so here’s hoping. In this video I intorduce a filament grading rubric. I started this process before I found out that Tom is also grading filament, and he’s naturally going about it very differently …

My response to the Ultimaker 3

2 videos in one week, am I crazy? Well, maybe, but the tests were inconclusive. Mostly I’m behind, I want to make sure I’m getting these reviews out in a timely manner, and so if I want to comment on topical matters I’m gonna have to do 2 videos. It’s a lot of work for me, but I hope it’ll …

Review of the Geckotek3D Build plate

Wow, I just noticed that I misspelled “Geckotek” all over as “Gekotek”. Gonna have to fix that wherever I can. I didn’t mention it in the video, but Geckotek3D did not sponsor this review. Full disclosure, I think the funky polymer coating on the build plate is the weakest part of the build plate. I fully expect that one day …

The Professor is Back, Unboxing and Giveaway

I’m so sorry it’s been so long. Really, there’s no excuse. But I’ll give one anyways. Moving is hard. And once you’re off the wagon it’s hard to get back on. Lot’s of “I’ll record a video as soon as I finish setting up the workbench. Well, I gotta record the new intro. Well, I gotta set up my recording …

WTFFF 3D Printing Podcast, 3D Printed Toys and Blender

Talk about a cosmic convergence. Well, maybe not cosmic, but still. One of my favorite podcasts, WTFFF, did a segment about 3D puzzle toys, a topic that I have some documented knowledge of. I’ve interacted with Tom and Tracy online a couple of times, they’re very accessible and I enjoy that. So I reached out again to say “Hey, you’re …

Workbench 2.0 is in progress

I’m finally moved into our new house, and I’m setting up the workbench. Well, more of a nerd cave. Well, less of a cave and more of an office. But the plan is to make this a recording mecca so I can crank out the videos. I’m also experimenting with some new software to one-take some high quality videos. That’s …