Lessons from my 3DBlockZoo livestream

https://www.youtube.com/watch/LJVCFGhxYpg Despite the challenges last time I still really want to do live streaming. My older videos were made using a similar technique of grabbing the screen and overlaying video in one take, and that was on the same computer, so maybe my aging computer isn’t the problem. So I decided to apply the scientific method, change one variable at …

3D Printing 101 – Introduction

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CM-T0i-vbwY Aside: I hadn’t meant for this video to go up when it did. I accident used HitFilm’s direct upload capability, and I am not going to do that again. Not only did the update go up before I was ready to have it out there, it totally messed up settings on the video make it more trouble than it’s …

3D Printing 101 – Forward

I’ve decided it’s time to put aside all other things and focus my energies on a big new project: 3D Printing 101. The ultimate goal of this project is a series of very small books, sold cheap, that will be the defacto standard for 3D printing education. Here’s how it goes: Starting with an outline I’ll record a video. Then …

Are you getting in on the 3D Block Zoo?

It started when the better half of A Pyro Design, Heather, did her first 3D modeling in Tinkercad, a simple bunny that started as a default cube, followed later by a swan. Then SparkyFace5 on Twitter made her own animals and took to YouTube to put out a call to action and, boy, has it taken off. Thing is making an animal for …

What about variable width?

I had been printing lithophane maker coins… note to self, make a post about my new maker coins. Anyways, I was making lithophanes, the best settings for which are 1 shell, 100% infill, 0 top layers (since the infill covers that). Then when I switched to another print, a quarter top of a cylinder, and I changed the infill back …

Dragon Razor video

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2ssQk54C00 Code for 3D Scholars: C:QZN DNWUILO AP PQAFF “OLCEIH”  Worst intro ever. I had a whole custom thumbnail for this video made, only to have YouTube grab and even better one that I decided to just go with. I mean, that’s a legitimate smile looking at this razor mid shave. Way better than what I came up with:

Lessons from my first livestream

I do not recommend this video. Not my best work. This video was an exercise in “Can I do it?” Can I live stream while modeling. And the answer is… no. Not yet. My current laptop does not have the huevos to stream and edit high poly video. I’ve got a couple of ideas, from a borrowed dedicated streaming rig …

Happy Thanksgiving

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JDoTijy8xA Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

I’m loving the MP Select Mini

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSZrqgLj3ag Code for 3D Scholar: B:DHJLU MKH FROH MCBLR I’m not getting paid to do this review. It really is just that good of a 3D printer. Has it got a lot of features? No. Does it have it’s downsides? Of course. But so far it’s downsides are no worse than I’ve seen in more expensive 3D printers, and at the …

Time Lapse Decoder Ring Video edited in YouTube

Warning: None of my comments below come by way of condemnation for the actions of any individual. If you feel personally attacked or need to defend your actions or attitudes, that’s not coming from me. Just sayin’. This video was a little bit to bump up my video library, a little bit to use some footage I didn’t want to …