3D Modeling some Fruit on livestream.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oppwGJm7vWU I think I can say that this was my first truly successful livestream. It was honestly almost perfect. The only shortcoming I can think of is that I could not get the chat window to come into the video, but I’ll correct that by posting the chat log here: Makingdownunda  hey  Justin Ethington  Hello!   3D Printing Professor The first …

3D Printing 101 – 3D Printing without a 3D Printer

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhZJD5FnNJY If you don’t have a 3D printer you can still take advantage of 3D printing to make cool things and solve problems, and you don’t have to break the bank to do it. You just have to have a little bit of knowledge about 3D printing processes before starting. The key is the more you can do yourself, the …

My entry to the Pinshape Space Design contest

This is my entry in the PinShape Space Design contest. You can check it out here. If you have an account on Pinshape (and they’re free, so why not?) I hope you’ll give it a like there. If you’d like to get the model you you don’t need to worry about the exorbitant $0.99 price tag on it. If you’re …

December’s Pateron reward is 3D modeling-complete

If you’re a pateron backer this month you get a doozy of a project. 6 tree segments, 5 test ornaments, 23 scripture ornaments, and a star to put on top. You can read more about it on Pateron. For those chomping at the bit to get the write-ups for the last video, hang on just a little while longer. Just …

3D Printed Horse modeling video

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPvMqEzSmhM Code for 3D Printing Scholars: F:XSN ZQNP NPJ XUI, QW ZQNP NPJ WJZ I literally threw this together on the spur of the moment, including crappy cel-phone shot video in Grandpa’s old office. Mostly it was put together as a joke, since most 3D models start as a block, and that’s kinda the idea behind the 3DBlockZoo.  And yet somehow …

3rd 3D printing livestream, great success!

Hey, everyone, I managed a whole livestream without technical problems. Even did Blender with sculpting and dynamic topology. I suspect heavy boolean operations that would slow down my whole system will probably cause problems with the live stream, but this opens up a whole world of opportunities to me. Special thanks to @daJuicyMoose for helping me sort out the best settings. …

3D Printing 101 – 8 Questions to ask before buying a 3D printer

https://www.youtube.com/watch/v8huw5MRU2E Code for 3D Printing Scholars: D:OLIYI’M D GWVODGO JWYU WV UA FTWK The first conversation between someone who does 3D printing, and someone who wants to do 3D printing usually follows a sort of pattern. Are you interested in 3D printing? Then perhaps this series of questions will tell you if 3D printing is right for you. Of course, the …

3D printing new mallets and little hand card holders

This week I did a couple of quick projects this week that went from idea to finished product so fast that I forgot to take any pictures of the process or record anything while I was doing it. Literally from idea to reality in less than a day. We are living in the future. My daughter loves playing go fish. …

MP Select Mini Wifi video

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwTWyQCMEqs Code for 3D Printing Scholars: E:WDQB XHD KDNMRVB YIE XHD ARQXEAX FRVP From the video:Tyler updates the firmware: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6KxNQob7Cokhttp://mpselectmini.com/Malyan link software: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxyFI3iDaicLYnc0eTRLZXZVQVU Once again the weekly write up on the 3D Printing 101 video is running a little late due to editing, because I want these write ups to be publishing worthy. But while you wait for thathere’s the second …

3D Printing 101 – Safety First

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FICKkseSMpk It’s important to realize that 3D printers are machines, and like most machines there are risks associated with their use. Most of these risks are minimal and the number of incidents involving 3D printing are low, especially compared with the number of 3D printers in use. However, unless you’re going to only use 3D printing services and let them …