3D printing colorfabb bronzefill and brassfill chess set

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTEPxQd8ZKE Code for Scholars: J:AUJA RBMXH YOMXQH Is there a word for accidentally making the right choice when you mean to make another? Does serendipity cover that? I was seriously gunning for bronzefill when I ordered the brassfill, but if I had I wouldn’t have finished the job and would likely have just written off all fills as being garbage. But …

Weekend project, goal reached, lithophanes and promotional paperclips

Perhaps my 2 hour stream burned me out, but I’ve had a hard time making a new video, asside from an accidental test. And when I did record a new video, I then left my camera with the footage I recorded at the 3D printing meetup I presented at. However, I’ve got the camera back, I’m editing that footage today, …

Modeling a Trophy for TableTop Day 2017

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5oxDTLXrmTU Code for 3D Scholars: Z:UFBZR UJF (We have a winner) A few years back I modeled a trophy for International TableTop day, 2014. In my scattered interests in 3D printing I’ve wanted to do another for a while and this year inspiration struck. Take elements from board games and arrange them like the classic Star Wars movie poster. So …

3D Printing Build Plate Showdown Video

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Af0RrBl0bW4 Code for 3D Scholars: O:TUFSH OKE RZIZOTZ Build plates are one of the biggest place where prints succeed or fail. If a print doesn’t stick to the build plate well it’ll pop off or shift and the print will be a failure. And if the print doesn’t come off after the print is done it can be a whole other …

3D Printing 101 – Slicing a model

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7brUq9DOdY Slicing is the first step in the 3D printing process. For most FFF 3D printers the slicer is a piece of software running on a computer outside the 3D printer itself. Your computer. In this chapter we’ll go through the process of downloading, installing, and using the slicer to make a GCode file that the 3D printer can use …

Shoehorning a review into the fund raising

https://youtu.be/NMM7mUX5CwU Code for Scholars: N:MPW NTA NCAUPKA If you’d like to get your own sample pack of filament please use this amazon affiliate link so I get a little credit: http://amzn.to/2nALD6k When I found out I was at 50% on gofundme I really wanted to do another video, but having done one two days ago, I didn’t feel like turning my channel …

The YouTube channel needs your support

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=248JhEVYJRU Short version, I lost my job and my computer all in the same week. If you can help me out with a monthly donation, please consider signing up at Pateron. If you only can do a one-time donation, please contribute to my GoFundMe campaign. If you can’t support me either place then a “howdy” on social media to let …

Interview with Greg from Xometry

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QsPtpHknU1Q You can make a living with 3D printing. Xometry is proving it. It might not be making a living from you, that’s what Shapeways is for. But they are definately making 3D printing for a living work. And it’s super exciting. Plus, Greg is just a super cool guy. I hope you enjoy the interview. Now that I’ve got …

My proposal for the TableTop Day 2017 trophy

Dear Wil Wheaton and the team at Tabletop, My name is Joe Larson. These days I am building my brand as the 3D printing professor, but some years ago presented to you 3D model a trophy for TableTop, the shape of which was defined by Wil Wheaton’s striking profile. I promise, my 3D modeling skills have improved since then. This …