Kid’s drawing to 3D model livestream 5 Apparently this has been sitting in my drafts folder. Sorry about that. Here is is now. Link to GoFundMe: This should be the last one in this series, as that’s one model per kid now, but of course they’re now presenting me with new drawings they want me to do, so I will no doubt have more of these …

Announcing Wood Wars 3D initial public release

Two years ago I started work on a table top game with 3D printed components. It was called Wood Wars 3D. A year ago I had developed the game enough that I thought it was time to take it to the next level, so I launched a kickstarter to fund for the construction of sets Wood Wars 3D. What can …

How to level your build plate Can I just say how pleased I am to have come up with a poseable robot toy that can do a reasonable approximation of the “surfs up” pose on by build plate? This video was a direct response to someone I was teaching 3D printing. I was helping them remotely and their first print was very clearly made on …

Adding 2D images to 3D objects in Tinkercad I hope nobody notices how rushed this video is. This is the first video edited on the new laptop, and the tool chain isn’t all there. So if this video seems a bit rough around the edges… is it. But today is Wednesday and come what may I’m uploading a video today, darn it. Not to brag, but my …

3D Printing at Tuacahn

Tuacahn Amphitheater in Southern Utah. Nestled into beautiful red foothills hills. Home of great theater, a Saturday farmer’s market, and 3D printing. 3D printing? Yup. Just inside their gift shop is a display case with 3D printed props from their previous shows. From Peter Pan there’s some kisses (acorns), Wendy’s thimble, and a feather arm bracelet leverl created by printing …

Supported by viewers like you Video I made the intro to this video the way that I did for a couple of reasons. First of all, Kevin MacLeod’s Fig Leaf Times Two is irresistible. And second, this saved me from having to foley a decent sound track, which I’m not equipped to do. However, for the time I spend making the silent movie/retro computer text …

3D Printing Fidget Spinners with Special Guest Of all my kids Gabe really enjoys being a part of my videos the most. This may be the first non-livestream video he gets to be a part of. I’m curious what the analytics will say about his presence. Maybe he can be a regular co-host. Sorry if I don’t have much else to say about this video today. …

Using Acetone and Nailpolish to finish prints video One thing I didn’t mention in the video was that the acetone I use sometimes causes some white discoloration and I have yet to figure out how to get rid of it. for the skull dice I would sand the print after hitting with acetone to make sure it’s as clear as can be before adding the final coat, …

FFF 3D prints as clear as glass with Colorfabb HT In the past I concluded that optically transparent FFF 3D prints just were not possible. The process itself worked against this. Then Colorfabb wrote a blog post asserting that it was possible, with a special filament. So I knew I had to give this “HT” stuff a try. What is Colorfabb HT? I have no idea. Even the name …

To support or not to support?

This was a commission job to do a character model based on someone Final Fantasy XIV character, and it is the most complex part I’ve ever modeled and printed. Part of the complexity of this model was the fact that it was a moving target. As an online game the player was constantly changing their costume. The other part of …