Double Fidget Spinners video I’m actually out of town on vacation as I upload this video and type this up. Will I get 2 videos out next week? Probably not. I also won’t be sending out the rewards to the winners until I get back as well. But I can pick a winner. The double spinner is oddly satisfying to use, even if …

3D Printing Pen Review Get your own Tipeye 3D printing pen and support what I do through this link: This isn’t my first 3D Pen, but this is the first one I liked enough to actually review it. I tend to take Thumper’s Father’s advice when it comes to reviews. One thing I forgot in the review was that a pen like this …

What happens when your 3D models are stolen Ir was exciting to catch a young designer who hit the big times early with a minor CC license violation. Robert Ihnatisin is a bright young designer who found himself in the middle of traffic when his design for the game of Ur was usurped and used without his permission. when a kickstarter, clearly trying to cash in on a …

Interview with Lou Anders video This was an opportunity that kind of came upon me quickly. My son discovered the Thrones and Bones book series rather serendipitously. That the book had the rules for a board game in the back was a complete bonus to him, and he was immediately hooked by the idea. Being the board game affectionato I am I immediately recognized …

Where you can meet me this summer vlog I was really on a roll with the Wednesday and Satruday uploads, and then I missed Wednesday this week. The reasons are multiple. I did record a video, but then I botched the audio. And between the new baby and everything else I have going on I just never got back into recording until… well, just now. But this …

The makerbot story video This is a lecture that I’ve used in the past when teaching PowerPoint, to show my students how a PowerPoint presentation doesn’t necessarily need to be a list of bullet points to be engaging. So I put together this little presentation relating Makerbot’s relationship with the maker community to a high school drama and it amused me how well …

3D Printing the Royal Game of Ur I didn’t intend to have two board game videos out in a row. Believe it or not I’ve got another board game project I’m working on in collaboration with my middle son coming soon. I think I’m gonna finally get enough project together that I can justify another run a GenCon, if I can get the scratch together. Should …

Wood Wars 3D on Sourceforge intro video Check Wood Wars 3D out on Sourceforge: I like to use this blog as a little peek behind the curtain, to share with readers not just information about the video, like some sort of extended description, but about how the video was made and why certain choices in the video happened. With that in mind here’s some trivia …

Robot Action Chess featured in the World Chess Hall of Fame A few weeks back I was contacted by Nicole Tessmer of the World Chess hall of fame about including my robot action chess set in their collection. What an absolute honor. I sometimes worry that my entire life is going to be defined by this one chess set, but I gotta admit it’s pretty cool and probably deserves it. In …

More 3D Printed spinners experiments video My first 3D printed spinner video has yielded more views than I’ve ever seen (though less quality comments). But was it the cute kid, or the spinner? So going with the practice of changing one variable at a time, I made video with another of my kids, but no spinners, and this video features another thumbnail promising cheap 3D …