Help me name my Low Poly Dino project Video Join the kickstarter mailing list: I sat down yesterday and cracked out 4 videos, one right after the other. I’m not sure how far ahead I need to be to feel like I can do a week worth of constant updates, but that’s my goal. 5 days, 5 videos. Maybe if I can record 4 more in a day …

Maybe ASA isn’t that perfect

In my ASA review, which I may have forgotten to do a write up for, I praised ASA for being the best of ABS and PLA together. However, as I’ve really thrown myself into this stuff I can say that it’s everything I had hoped. When printing bit objects with flat walls, there is some layer decontamination from shrink, as …

Woodfill filament video So compared to the last video there’s a lot less going on in this video. I did a couple of prints, turned on the camera, told that story, and done. If you compare the editing timeline from the last video to this one you can really see what I’m talking about. This is the last video about printing pokemon …

Starter Pokemon 3D Prints video Believe it or not there is just a lot going on with this video. First of all, this is the first video to feature my book’s 20 second bumper at the end. I think this is going to be the new normal for a while. A surprising amount of work went into those 20 seconds. Secondly, the omissions from …

ANet E10 and Magigoo Review Enter the contest at A lot of YouTubers seem to be slamming the Anet E10 for not being a CR-10. Maybe that’s the fault of someone in marketing, but somehow I missed that hype so I never had the expectation that it was an CR-10. Taking it for what it is, the E10 is completely reasonable for the price. …

Introducing the Beginner’s Guide to the 3D Printing Galaxy Order the book here: Concerning the St. George Board Game Convention that I attended as a vendor, that was a wild ride. Even had one person recognize me from my videos on YouTube. I don’t want to say too much about it because I will have more to say in a future video, except to mention that it was …

The problem with functional parts

I’ve mentioned in the past that there is a defensible position when it comes to useless prints. Last week I replaced a friends e-break button for their ’99 Saturn. Here’s the thing. Unless you have a ’99 Saturn that just happens to have a broken e-break button, this isn’t going to excite you. On the other hand, if someone models …

Who’s got 2 thumbs and was on the 3DPrinterChat Podcast? It was awesome to chat with Chris Garrett about 3D printing, Creative Commons, and Copyright law. Now, like I said in the podcast, I’m not a lawyer. But it is something that I have significant interest in, being both a design creator and a design seller. However, legal discussion aside, I still think the best idea is to live …

Anycubic Kossel Review Get your own Anycubic Kossel kit for $169.99 at Gearbest with coupon code K3DP and support what I do with this link: One thing I forgot to mention in the review. This printer comes with a printed manual. Yup, no searching for the SD card and reading things on the computer screen, though that is possible. But that has …

Simplify3D 4.0 New Features Video The Simplify3D folks let me have an advanced copy of their 4.0 version and and NDA that has had me biting my tongue. But now the cat is out of the bag and I can share with you the cool things they’ve done. Now, Simplify3D 4.0 isn’t perfect, and the one bit of warning I have to tell you …