2017 3D Printer Recommendations Video

https://youtu.be/Rp-_-Ea11Jg I’ve been looking for an excuse to use that intro picture pose for a long time. I think I’ve decided that whenever I do a full-on sellout video, where the the video is basically promoting associate links, I’m gonna wear the yellow tie that was sent to me by Magigoo. Love the tie, but it just seems an appropriate …

Davinci Color Triumph

https://youtu.be/CFxKxdGvV0w Act 1 was the call.In Act 2 we hit the weeds.And now for the thrilling conclusion. And while this is hardly the last video I’ll be making about color printing on the Davinci Color. But most of the videos from here on will be about how to make color 3D models in Tinkercad, Blender, and whatever else I can. …

Why can’t 3D Printers print accurately Video

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmd1s8kmtwg Maybe you didn’t notice, while you were overdosing on tryptophan yourself if you’re in the US, that I didn’t manage to get any videos uploaded last week. There are a number of people to blame for this. But I’m not going to dwell on that. I’m past it and back in the groove of recording, editing, and uploading all …

XYZ Davinci Color Frustrations Video

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Ru-7aGwoEo My original plan was for the second video to be my recent successes, and then go back with a 3rd video to talk the downsides. Kind of a “good” then “bad and ugly” sort of layout. But then I remembered about the 3 act structure and I realized that, told as they unfolded, this experience perfectly fit the form. …

How to paint the Royal Game of Ur Video

https://youtu.be/Kk3T-q6LQso Sometimes you just nail it with the thumbnail. Just, crushed it with this one. I am so proud. Though, honestly, one of YouTube’s suggested thumbnails weren’t that bad this time. Since this one is for the kickstarter, the rest of the details there.

Davinci Color Unboxing

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RT7tvusbsqs This video was recorded before the sound upgrade that you all have been enjoying the past 2 videos. Plus, it’s in my shed where lighting is a problem. So expect this one to be the worst of all my audio and video. Stylistically, I wanted to emulate with this video the Vlog style that I’ve been watching some of …

Defining the ideal 3D printer

Yesterday and today has been interesting. The CR10 project has started opening my eyes to what would be, to me, the ideal 3D printer. It’s not just about what the printer is, but what it can become. But adding some of the features I want to the CR10 is… non-trivial. However, I’ve already started building the next printer to review, …

Triangle Chess Set video

https://youtu.be/6NuYgCVXDzo 3 videos have come out of a single project. First, there’s the one where I more or less reported on the project of making a 3D printing setup for children with limited mobility. Then, there’s the one where I kavetched about web apps because one disappeared on me as I was awaiting delivery. Finally, there’s this one, finishing the …

Visiting Moment3D

I found this is my drafts folder. IT’s been sitting there for a while. So, sorry Alex and Andre. Apparently I can’t push publish. I’m a little bit behind on my blog posts. Earlier this month I visited Moment3D for a 3D printing meetup. Moment3D was one of the huge contributors in my previous fund raising campaign, so it was exciting …

The Problem with the CR10 video

https://youtu.be/6i8ODd8SogE CR10 from Gearbest in orange or blue, to match your decor. $368.99 with coupon: GBCRUSOr buy mine: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Creality-CR-10-3D-Printer-upgraded-with-Octoprint-and-3-5-Touchscreen-and-book/232549617385 The title is admittedly a little click baity. And the video is designed to lead people on, maybe a little. But I hope the resolution is entertaining and you’ll forgive my silly spin on the review of a printer everyone’s already seen reviewed. (Picture …