Nativity mini Puzzle video This week is going to be a little off. Christmas is coming. The goose is getting fat ‘n all. (Please to put a penny in the old man’s hat, eh? Support button there on the sidebar.) With the holiday coming there are a couple of videos I’d like to do. Actually, there’s a whole week of videos I’d like …

3D penning on the top of a mountain video Is being able to 3D pen without boundaries going to change your life? Maybe not. Is plastic bombing going to be as big as yarn bombing? If so, don’t blame me. But this definitely proves the concept, if it doesn’t actually deliver on the promise in the title. I don’t have a steady cam gimbals, so the video may …

Comments are back

A while back, before my YouTube videos took off, I turned off comments on my blogs. I have just turned them back on with Disqus so that you can comment on my posts. See, the problem was spam and need. Because Blogger comments were either “get a log in for this blog” or “don’t require a log in”, I felt …

Support 3D Printing Professor directly through YouTube

TL;DR – You can support me directly through Paypal with the button on the side bar there ↗ I feel I need to explain what is perhaps the most paranoid post I’ve ever made on any platform. See, if I owned a platform where people discussed things, and I made a change that would force people to think about their …

2017 3D Printer Recommendations Video I’ve been looking for an excuse to use that intro picture pose for a long time. I think I’ve decided that whenever I do a full-on sellout video, where the the video is basically promoting associate links, I’m gonna wear the yellow tie that was sent to me by Magigoo. Love the tie, but it just seems an appropriate …

Davinci Color Triumph Act 1 was the call.In Act 2 we hit the weeds.And now for the thrilling conclusion. And while this is hardly the last video I’ll be making about color printing on the Davinci Color. But most of the videos from here on will be about how to make color 3D models in Tinkercad, Blender, and whatever else I can. …

Why can’t 3D Printers print accurately Video Maybe you didn’t notice, while you were overdosing on tryptophan yourself if you’re in the US, that I didn’t manage to get any videos uploaded last week. There are a number of people to blame for this. But I’m not going to dwell on that. I’m past it and back in the groove of recording, editing, and uploading all …

XYZ Davinci Color Frustrations Video My original plan was for the second video to be my recent successes, and then go back with a 3rd video to talk the downsides. Kind of a “good” then “bad and ugly” sort of layout. But then I remembered about the 3 act structure and I realized that, told as they unfolded, this experience perfectly fit the form. …

How to paint the Royal Game of Ur Video Sometimes you just nail it with the thumbnail. Just, crushed it with this one. I am so proud. Though, honestly, one of YouTube’s suggested thumbnails weren’t that bad this time. Since this one is for the kickstarter, the rest of the details there.

Davinci Color Unboxing This video was recorded before the sound upgrade that you all have been enjoying the past 2 videos. Plus, it’s in my shed where lighting is a problem. So expect this one to be the worst of all my audio and video. Stylistically, I wanted to emulate with this video the Vlog style that I’ve been watching some of …