You Should Be Watching BarbMakesThings Video My first shout out video is here, and it couldn’t go to a more deserving channel. I do not know why BarbMakesThings doesn’t get the love. Seriously, by the time I press send on this post, my video may already be to more more views that her last 3 videos combined. That ain’t right. So I’m sending her some …

Call me the Laser Cutting Professor

Don’t call me the laser cutting professor. But I am super stoked to have a laser cutter in the new Maker Space. To learn how to use it, and how to design for it, I decided to make a gear clock. The idea is that the minute hand has a small gear and the hour gear has a 12x circumference so …

Jimmy’s Tevo build

When Jimmy Shaw came to visit I bequeathed him my Tevo Tarantula. I just don’t have time to build printers like I used to, and Jimmy was sure he’d be able to. And he has. You can watch his two part live build below, and of course, subscribe to his channel. It looks like it took a good 5 hours …

Organizing your Blender projects to keep your sanity When you get too much going on in your Blender projects, it can be confusing keeping track of the final result of a composite of many modifiers on an object. There are a couple of tricks you can use to keep things organized. First of all, learn to use the local view (Numpad /) to view a single object …

Maker Space Grand Opening Report

How many time am I going to type “Makerspace” before my hands accept that it’s not a word? The St. George Library maker space is now officially open for business. Local news coverage spread the word about the space and a whole host of local people signed up. All day long I was able to answer adult’s questions and help kids …

Makerspace intro and behind the scenes video Let’s start with the positive, shall we? That maker space intro video turned out great. exactly what I had in mind. A perfect way to launch the new channel. The only thing I forgot to say was “Make something of yourself” which is kind of my tie in with new years resolutions, and stuff. But otherwise a great …

2017 Year End Review Video Framing the year end review as a mock board meeting may have not been one of my best idea. I tried my best to make as entertaining as possible, but being as 3D Printing Professor LLC is a company with one official employee, and being as board meetings are just dull, I don’t know how well I could pull …

Doctor Who Chess Set Video Am I pushing things just a wee bit too far with this thumbnail? Am I relying too much on my ability to make the educational defense should I get into trouble? Was I far too hasty in photoshopping those crowns? Maybe, probably, and yes. But I love it so. Download and print your own Doctor Who Chess set: It’s …

3D Printing a Christ Themed Christmas Tree Video You can download this Christmas tree on MyMiniFactory: you’re fast, you might even be able to print it before Christmas. I’m all for magnifying Christ in Christmas. I’m a smart dude. I know that Christmas started as the Pagan winter solstice celebration, aka Yule or Yuletide. I know that that some Catholic missionaries in order to boost their conversion …