The real problem with the CR-10mini Video Get a CR-10mini for $350 on GearBest when you use the coupon code cr10mini3d, or buy it on Amazon. I did promise in my March MadMess introduction video that these reviews would be rapidly produced. I hope that doesn’t result in an unwatchable video. It doesn’t help that there’s not much to say about the CR-10mini. It’s cheaper and …

Announcing March MadMess and what to expect when buying from overseas You like that TRON clock? I sure do. Having a laser cutter has opened my world and rest assured there will be an episode this month about the laser cutter I’m using. (Full Spectrum Laser Muse, by the way) I noticed some mistakes in the design of my clock that I’m going to have to fix before I upload …

Neva review video, AKA why heated build plates matter

Click for video: Like I said in the video, it’s funny the things I forget when I don’t take notes and read from them. The Dagoma Neva is an okay 3D printer. It’s definitely bold. It might even be a great printer but for one thing it’s missing. One thing that makes me hesitant to give it a more positive …

Color modeling for 3D printing in Blender Part 1 video

Click for video: Download the colored Suzanne model here: Adding color to your 3D models in Blender is so simple. Can Fusion 360 do this? No seriously, I’m asking because I don’t know. Notice the key capture in the corner? Do you like it? Does it help? My Davinci color continues to impress and frustrate me. When it’s working good, …

How to make $1000 a month with 3D printing video The iceberg image was created by Sylvia Duckworth. You can buy your own to hang on the wall at her shop: To say that this video was difficult to produce would be an understatement. And not just because the content is uncomfortable. My first good recording of it, I didn’t use my mic, so I lost all the audio …

Makerspace 3D Printing Safety video I still don’t get to choose my thumbnails for these videos. This video was made so that I can stop doing the 3D printing training in the makerspace manually, and features one of the more coordinated edits at the 2:14 mark that I’ve ever had to do. Chances are if I didn’t point that out here, no one would …

Gearbest Doesn’t Suck video For the record, everything about this thumbnail makes me uncomfortable. I posted this a day early because, while I’m showing Gearbest some love, I didn’t think this was the right video for a Valentines day upload. But come back here tomorrow. This is a video I wanted to get out before doing any videos that promote items sent to …

Full Color in Tinkercad Video I could take this opportunity to talk about a lot of different things. I could talk about the on-screen keys utility that I’m using, and I do want to know if anyone noticed that and if it helped. I could talk about my relationship with XYZ Printing where, in exchange for a Davinci color I am contractually obligated me …

Sinterit Lisa Print Review Video It’s difficult to make an honest assessment of a printer, based on the prints alone. Especially a carefully curated group of prints. There’s a lot of questions that the prints alone don’t answer. Like: How easy is their software to setup and use? How much space does the printer require (including accessories)? What settings had to be adjusted to …

How to make $100 per month with 3D printing video Have a passion Get motivated to make money Fail early, fail cheap Strike oil Turn passion in to habit I’m expecting this video to do well. I’m not often right on these sorts of expectations, so… I guess we’ll see. That’s part of why I broke it into a 2 parter. But also, because part 2 gets real, real …