I spent $200 at Shapeways, and check out what I got video

https://youtu.be/NSSULA6XFNA As I said, I’ve been in 3D printing for a while, and I’ve only occasionally taken advantage of Shapeways. But I have always seen value in it. And I’ve also seen a handful of thing that I kinda wanted. I feel like in this video I only really had time to skip across the surface of each object, and …

3D Printed Egg Holder Video

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ap7SwARaI3Y I don’t know what came over me. As soon as I decided I needed to do egg puns in this one they just kept rolling. This 8 minute video took me 4 hours to film. First I tried using my phone for the audio and asides. The audio was okay, but recording that long of a video on my …

Downside of the Master Spool Video

https://youtu.be/G6T6ZDLPmlA So, do you remember the movie “Pay it Forward”? Remember how everyone who described the idea of paying it forward insisted that it was their own idea? That was to illustrate how good an idea it was. The same thing is happening with the Master Spool. I feel I do sometimes come across as the guy who’s looking for …

Gualala Gadget Marble Machines

https://youtu.be/YELrkcQnmQY Go to http://gualalagadget.com/about.html, click “Print a 3D model”, and print out their marble maze. Scale it up 2x and use glass marbles if you have to. You will not be disappointed. The marble machines that I saw Gualala Gadget showing off at BAMF2018 were amazing. They had the Sisyphus, which used hidden magnets to make the marble seemingly impossibly climb the …

3D Printing Tip – How to improve your overhangs

https://youtu.be/S0wXwje9DX4 Short video, I know, but hopefully it helps someone. The original plan was to make the videos this week very quick ones, minimal editing. But I just couldn’t help but include an animated illustration in this one. I hope that’s a good sign for my future endeavors. The next 3 or 4 videos will follow from prompts in this …

Who are the people in your makerspace – Jonah and Gabe video

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NShxyScRsRw Consider this a bonus from the Startt review. And, yeah, I know, I didn’t put nearly the effort into this one that I put into the other. No fake interview angle changes to motivate the bad sound. Heck, almost no editing at all except to trim the video, which I did in the camera. Maybe not the greatest way …

3D Printing Dinosaurs on a 3D Printing Dinosaur Time Lapse

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BuFelmLRvE Sorry, I know I used that title for yesterday’s mailing list email, but I just think it’s so clever that I’m going to use it, like, forever. Calvin posted a time lapse of the low poly dino he printed on his Makerbot Thingomatic, and I just had to share it. I know time-lapses are passe, but I love seeing …

Is $100 too cheap for a 3D printer? Startt review and young maker Interview video

https://youtu.be/u7Ak1IfHk2o Originally I wanted this one to be in March MadMess, but alas, filming at the makerspace proved too much of a challenge at the time, something I feel justified about considering the mess that this interview turned out to be. I can only hope that I managed to make something half watchable from this cluster of footage. I recorded …

How to teach 3D printing

A recent question on twitter gave me the opportunity to spell out the technique I use to teach 3D printing to kids. This is also similar to the technique I use to teach it to adults. I could write a book on this subject. In fact, now that I write that down, I think I’ve got a new project. But …

Makerspace Challenge Video – Weighted Dice

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDHPh5ZFgJM Okay, so the web cam plugged into the USB port equals bad frame rate. I kinda knew this already, but sometimes you have to relearn the simple lessons. I’m starting a Makerspace challenge, to give people reasons to come into the Makerspace and ideas for projects to work on. This is, of course, open to anyone who wants to …