Makerspace Project – Laser Cut Puzzle Project Video I am loving laser cutting. It easy. It’s fast. And it can produce some amazing results. Including some wonderful, personalized gifts. This video differs from the last I did for the Makerspace in two ways. First, I got my lav mic this time so the sound is much easier to listen to. Second, I tried out the 7″ Waveshare …

They’re talking about me again!

The cynical side of me knows that interviews are just a way to drive traffic to their blog or web site. But the ego driven side of me loves it when I get to take center stage so much that I just don’t care. Check it out, inov3D did an interview with me! You can find out about my humble …

More Cool People at Bay Area Maker Faire 2018 video I kind of stumbled upon the 3 questions I used for these interviews, but upon reflection, I think they’re pretty good questions. One makes you think about the past, one makes you think about the future, and one makes you laugh and sets up something to chain them all together. Seriously, though, a lot of people laughed at that …

Bay Area Maker Fair 2018 part 2 – The Cool People video When I started, I was only going to have 2 videos. So I broke the travelogue and interviews into two. But once I finished editing all the interviews I had a video that was more than 30 minutes, so I decided that the interviews would be in two videos. So at this point I’m up to 4 videos out …

The Long Journey to Bay Area Maker Faire – Part 1 Video The original plan was to take and make 2 videos from my Bay Area Maker Faire journey, one for each of the days I was there. The first was going to be a little travelogue followed by interviews with the people that I met there. I was technically going to fudge things already because some of the interviews happened …

The age of the Low Poly Dinos is soon! It’s time to start the hype! The Low Poly Dino Kickstarter is coming soon. Kid friendly, whimsical, low-poly dinosaur models for your 3D printer. Designed to print without supports and print with low or no infill. Perfect as a test print or just for fun with gentle angles to minimize sharp edges so they’re suitable for all ages. How many …

Thinking about 3D Printing Food while unboxing the M3D Video Yes, I have a grotesque thing on my lip. It’ll be gone by this weekend. I am honestly amused by the idea of an astronaut getting so tired of Taco Bell that they decide to step out and see if they can find an In ‘n Out. In space. Between planets. Because there’d be nothing to step out too, …

My last day as a substitute teacher and my first Maker Fair

So, first things first, thanks to the makerspace where I’m now full time, I’ll be going to the Bay Area Maker Fair this weekend. I’ll be there Friday and Saturday and I’ll have a pocket full of maker coins to pass out, so if you see me, don’t be afraid to say “Hi” and get one. I’ve got something for …

CR-10S vs TEVO Tornado showdown video I recognize that the video quality on this one sucks. It’s not the camera. It’s the recording space. It’s in badly need of an upgrade. That’s why I’m going to be making some Low Poly Dinos soon. I also can’t help to think that if I had an editor, or more time to learn to be an editor myself, …

Geeetech E180 follow up

I’ve had people ask if I’ve tried out the second E180 that I had and if it changed my opinion on the machine. Short answer: Nope The second E180 that I unboxed went well enough until we tried to turn it on. The power adapter had, strangely, a plug that didn’t fit in it. The male end was too long …