Gualala Gadget Marble Machines Go to, click “Print a 3D model”, and print out their marble maze. Scale it up 2x and use glass marbles if you have to. You will not be disappointed. The marble machines that I saw Gualala Gadget showing off at BAMF2018 were amazing. They had the Sisyphus, which used hidden magnets to make the marble seemingly impossibly climb the …

3D Printing Tip – How to improve your overhangs Short video, I know, but hopefully it helps someone. The original plan was to make the videos this week very quick ones, minimal editing. But I just couldn’t help but include an animated illustration in this one. I hope that’s a good sign for my future endeavors. The next 3 or 4 videos will follow from prompts in this …

Who are the people in your makerspace – Jonah and Gabe video Consider this a bonus from the Startt review. And, yeah, I know, I didn’t put nearly the effort into this one that I put into the other. No fake interview angle changes to motivate the bad sound. Heck, almost no editing at all except to trim the video, which I did in the camera. Maybe not the greatest way …

3D Printing Dinosaurs on a 3D Printing Dinosaur Time Lapse Sorry, I know I used that title for yesterday’s mailing list email, but I just think it’s so clever that I’m going to use it, like, forever. Calvin posted a time lapse of the low poly dino he printed on his Makerbot Thingomatic, and I just had to share it. I know time-lapses are passe, but I love seeing …

Is $100 too cheap for a 3D printer? Startt review and young maker Interview video Originally I wanted this one to be in March MadMess, but alas, filming at the makerspace proved too much of a challenge at the time, something I feel justified about considering the mess that this interview turned out to be. I can only hope that I managed to make something half watchable from this cluster of footage. I recorded …

How to teach 3D printing

A recent question on twitter gave me the opportunity to spell out the technique I use to teach 3D printing to kids. This is also similar to the technique I use to teach it to adults. I could write a book on this subject. In fact, now that I write that down, I think I’ve got a new project. But …

Makerspace Challenge Video – Weighted Dice Okay, so the web cam plugged into the USB port equals bad frame rate. I kinda knew this already, but sometimes you have to relearn the simple lessons. I’m starting a Makerspace challenge, to give people reasons to come into the Makerspace and ideas for projects to work on. This is, of course, open to anyone who wants to …

All the Cool Projects at Bay Area Maker faire 2018 Video Something funny about editing these videos. I shot them on my phone, on a special app that I bought before the fair that was supposed to be the best for it. But for any video longer than a few seconds it became clear that the audio and video was slowly getting out of sync, like the video was recorded …

26 great tips for 3D printing from 26 experts Komacut, who do laser cutting on demand, contacted me a little while ago for this article an I was excited to participate. This a great read and a lot of great advice, so I’m not going to get in the way of it and just say, go, read, and enjoy. I also like how they put me right there, …

Sunday Sermons, Maker Coins, Low Poly Dinos, and You More Maker Faire this week. And for all the parts that I missed, there’s the #BAMF2018 playlist. I realize the music was a mistake. My thought was “oh, this is like sesame Street. It’ll be great.” But after uploading and listening though my speakers I realized why they fade out the music before taking on PBS. Hopefully, the makercoins …