How to 3D Model Low Poly in Blender video Alternate tag line; I make this look easy. The thing is, this isn’t easy. I know that modeling in 3D, especially doing it well, is not easy. What you’re seeing is years of practice, and I still wouldn’t say I’m good at it. But I do hope that it will inspire someone to think “I could do that.” If …

Retro Pi Gaming on the Cheap video There are going to be those who will point out that you don’t NEED a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ for this project, and that you can save some money by getting a Pi 2 or zero, and these can run many of the games that RetroPi can plan. This is true. However, unless you’re planning on plugging your …

LowPoly Dino Kickstarter is… pending

Lemme explain. In the past kickstarter I ran the “Submit for review” launched the kickstarter that instant, which was sooner than I wanted and I had to scramble. So this time I waited to launch the kickstarter until I was ready so I could control things. And what did Kickstarter do this time? Turns out now that have a review process. …

Low Poly Kickstarter T minus 1 day video There’s supposed to be a picture of me superimposed on that thumbnail there, but for some reason the masking tool didn’t work while putting it together. I hope that’s not a portent. Honestly, not a lot to say about this video. Not even sure I should have done it. But I’ve got a silent advisory in the background who …

M3D Micro+ Review video To answer the question posed by the thumbnail there, is the M3D Micro+ the best mini 3D printer? I’ll admit when I started this journey I was still looking for something to dethrone the MP Select Mini.It’s been 3 years and I have yet to find a starter printer that I recommend over it, except maybe the MP Mini …

3D Printed Curtain Rod Project They say that necessity is the mother of invention, but owning a 3D printer I think, means you the bar for necessity is significantly lowered. …or raised. I’m not 100% sure what the metric is on this one. The point is you’ve always got a solution on had. It’s not always the right solution, but in this case I …

How to model a Marble Machine with Curves in Blender video I like how the videos this week chained together. Not all of them, but did you notice how in Good Overhangs I mentioned a technique that could be used to print the Guala Gadgets 3D Printed Marble Machines. I then talked about the filament used to print the marble machines and how they’re using the Master Spool, and then …

I spent $200 at Shapeways, and check out what I got video As I said, I’ve been in 3D printing for a while, and I’ve only occasionally taken advantage of Shapeways. But I have always seen value in it. And I’ve also seen a handful of thing that I kinda wanted. I feel like in this video I only really had time to skip across the surface of each object, and …

3D Printed Egg Holder Video I don’t know what came over me. As soon as I decided I needed to do egg puns in this one they just kept rolling. This 8 minute video took me 4 hours to film. First I tried using my phone for the audio and asides. The audio was okay, but recording that long of a video on my …

Downside of the Master Spool Video So, do you remember the movie “Pay it Forward”? Remember how everyone who described the idea of paying it forward insisted that it was their own idea? That was to illustrate how good an idea it was. The same thing is happening with the Master Spool. I feel I do sometimes come across as the guy who’s looking for …