How to 3D Print with 3D Pen Refills Video I’ve had comments complaining that I’m doing too many videos about #lowpolydinos lately. So I tried (mostly successfully, maybe a little unsuccessfully) to step away from the dinos and talk about something I learned lately. It’s surprisng how well these a low poly dino uses up one of these micro coils of filament. Of course there’s some varitey. The …

Pre-Post Kickstarter pricing on #LowPolyDinos has ended

Pre-Post Kickstarter pricing has gone extinct! Order your complete set of #LowPolyDinos 3d models today for immediate delivery today on Etsy Included in this pack: Egg/Cracked Egg Trees Dino Nest Tyrannosaurus rex Triceratops Dipolaucus Stegasaurus Velocaraptor Ankylosaur Spinosaur Megalodon Pterodactyl Stygimoloch Archelon Elaphrosaurus Dilophosaurus Plesiosaur Mastodon Sabertooth Tiger Dimorphadon Iguanadon Parasaurolophus Ground Sloth Dracorex Quetzalcoatlus Carnotaurus Nothosaurus Kosmoceratops Therezinisaurus  …

30 dinos in 30 days video Edit: Oh my gosh, the sound effect for the first animations got shifted and occurs in the middle of my talking! Can I not get this right? Screw it, we’re going live, I can’t delay this ANOTHER hour. The kickstarter is going crazy and I need to tend to it. I hope you’re not sick of #lowpolydinos yet. Though, if …

Why Bad 3D Prints can make Great Gifts video I am having a hard time coming up with anything to say about this topic beyond what was said in the video. So… uh… go check out the video! The kickstarter is going well. If you haven’t been keeping up, you should know: You can download all 12 (so far) coloring pages here A young man I know turned …

Makerspace Challenge #2 – Flight Video Meanwhile in the makerspace, it’s a bit late for a monthly challenge, so we’re just going to call this a second challenge, and the second challenge is is make something fly. GranddadIsAnOldMan is a great maker with lousy video production quality. His videos hardly get any views, perhaps because he uploads too many of them. But that’s what it’s …

LowPoly Dino Coloring Pages video These coloring pages have been a lot of fun to make, and it didn’t take a lot of effort or time away from the Low Poly Dino Kickstarter to make them. Which is good because the Kickstarter is going great and every time I turn around we’ve reached another stretch goal and I have another dino to model and …

Low Poly Dinos on the Adafruit Live Stream

35:41 in the video above, Noe and Pedro Ruiz show off the dual colored low poly model that they printed and give a shout out to the Low Poly Dino kickstarter as well. (Thanks guys!) And in just a few hours I’ll be popping into the Adafruit show-and-tell livestream to show off more dinos. So I hope you’ll join me …

Low Poly Dino Modeling Live Stream – Elaphrosaurus Video I thought this video was lost. After the stream, for some reason, YouTube never posted the whole video. However, there was something strange about the stream at the time. Right at the end as I was signing off I noticed that the “Start Recording” button on OBS said “Stop Recording”, meaning I had been recording the stream locally. I …

Birthday Livestream Announcement on July 5th Video and Kickstarter Update FInd out when the livestream will be where you’re at,1050,b8jj If you haven’t been keeping up on the kickstarter, there’s a few updates you should know: Backers are getting nearly free filament Not all backers, but still I’ve released the Lowpolysaurus Park gate for free online And I’ve finished a few 3D models Anklysaurs Megalodon Pteradactyl The total …