Makerbot Method Announcement Breakdown Video

Watch Video So why would I take a video announcing a mostly untested new purchasing option in the store, and release it only hours before Sunday, when I have a pretty strict policy about working on Sunday? Simple. I’m an idiot. Actually, I meant to release this video on Friday. but after watching the rough edit I realized it was …

Ender 3 vs Weedo F192 Double 3D Printer Review Video

Watch Video Ender 3, $240 on Amazon:, $180 right now on Gearbest $243 regularly: Weedo F192 $1200 on Amazon: $1655 on Gearbest Listen, I’m a busy guy. I work 6 days a week (at an awesome job, but still), I have 6 kids. So if I make a little mistake in my editing and have to frantically re-cut and …

Are 3D Printing Filament Boxes Worth It Mondo Box Review Video

Watch The Video People seemed to really like the front-loaded bloopers in the last video, so I kinda went overboard with them this time. The comment about editing the videos was said to my Discord Channel who was listening in on the voice channel while I did the recording. I say listening, but my home internet isn’t exactly stream-worthy, so …

Christmas Tree Project Update Video

Watch Video When I recorded this video, I had intended to record 3 videos, then release this one earlier in the week as a quick video, and today releasing one of the other ones. But when it came time to record the scripts for my videos were incomplete, and I couldn’t get out of my head that the teleprompter needed …

Turning Junk Prints into Christmas Ornaments Video I meant for this to be uploaded this morning, when it surely would have gotten more views. But, alas, technical difficulties pushed the release until later in the afternoon, mere hours from Thanksgiving. The Christmas tree project is coming along nicely. And that’s thanks to you all. I put myself out there, relying on the community to provide, and …

Toxic Particles Spewed by 3D Printers Video I guess it’s good that the news isn’t complaining about 3D printed guns this week. Why worry about guns when 3D printers will kill you for breathing. Actually, I’m not sure we’ve traded up now that I think about it. I imagine that these news agencies are being run by J. Jonah Jameson, berating his staff with a “We need …

Smoothing PLA with PolySmooth Video This week in “What I forgot to mention in the video”, I forgot to mention in the video optimal print settings for PolySmooth. I found the best results were gotten from dropping the print temperature to 190 and using a lot of fan. How much fan? All. The. Fan. Think you have enough fan? Think again. Get yourself desk …

Raspberry Pi Powered Teleprompter Project Video

If I were making full length episodes, this would be part 1, followed by a quick Inkscape tutorial, then capped off with a discussion of Laser Cutting vs 3D Printing. I’m half tempted to make that super edit and upload it in the future, just to see how it would play. Making a Raspberry Pi powered Teleprompter is a great …

Interview with PRINTSYST When Eitan contacted me about an interview, I was like “Yeah, sure, let’s chat”. Of course he was doing it because they have a product they’re trying to push, but it’s also clear that they are true fans of 3D printing and Eitan was genuinely delighted to speak with me. But this video he produced makes me envious. Honestly, …

Inkscape For Laser Cutter Beginners Tutorial Yup. That’s a vector thumbnail. Part of my job as Makerspace Administrator for the Washington County Libraries is to basically do what I do with the video thing, but for the Library. And a lesson on Inkscape has been one of those things that many people have requested to help them get started with using the Laser cutter. However, …