Davinci Color Lessons Learned

Watch Video Lessons Learned: XYZ Printing service may be slow, but they will take care of you Use it or lose it means thoughtful 3D printing XYZ Printing really is listening and improving Have a small project ready to fill the time XYZ Printing isn’t cutting corners Full color 3D printing isn’t cheap, but it’s more affordable than ever Chipped …

Fixing prints, attending fairs, and what’cha makin?

Watch the video I have, at this time, 3 conventions that I am going to attend for sure: BYU 3D Printing Con, Orem Utah, Orem Library – March 9 from 1pm to 5 Midwest RepRap Festival, Goshen Indiana – March 29-30 Bay Area Maker Faire, San Franscico California – May 17-18 Now, as for what I’m going to do at each …

3D Printed Mystery Eggs Part 1

https://youtu.be/D0LHXtmMirA This wasn’t necessarily the video I intended. I filmed this footage intending to use it in a different sort of video about these mystery eggs. I also intended for today to be a video about a mega re-review of all the printers I’ve reviewed before. However, the video I intended this footage for I haven’t recorded, and the mega …

Filament of the Month Club Casting Call

Watch Video You can join the Filament of the Month Club if you haven’t already here: https://www.3dpprofessor.com/shop/ If you would like to appear in a future video, you can be the talent in this very bit. Just go here to learn how: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZAcZ034P94 I know someone is going to make some comment about me asking you to beg people for money …

Battle of the File Formats – What is 3MF

Watch the Video No video has broken my heart as much as this one in the recent past. I want this video to do well. This is a message I believe in. This is me, trying to change the world for the better. I wrote a script, spoke in a calm measured tone, and when I got to the editing… …

New ad, new project

Sign up for the 3D Printing Professor Filament of the Month club! http://www.3dpprofessor.com/shop/ Posted by 3D Printing Professor on Tuesday, January 29, 2019 I waited to really push the filament of the Month Club until I had some idea of how it would go. Now I do, so expect to see this ad a lot in my future videos. However, …

2 Nerds talk about Makerspaces

Listen to the interview on story corps Life events have made it difficult to record videos these past two weeks. I say that, buti did record a video, only to have to scrap the whole thing because the footage was unusable. It was really bad. And throwing it out was more than a little disheartening. I’ll pick myself up and …

The Jimmy and Calvin Multi-Color Super Show!

Watch the Video Last night I was recording this week’s video, and just as I’m copying the source to my computer for editing I see a tweet from my buddy Jimmy Shaw that he and Calvin Witt were live streaming. I almost never catch these things while they’re happening, so I jump on, just planning on hitting chat while I …