3D Printed Mystery Eggs Part 1

https://youtu.be/D0LHXtmMirA This wasn’t necessarily the video I intended. I filmed this footage intending to use it in a different sort of video about these mystery eggs. I also intended for today to be a video about a mega re-review of all the printers I’ve reviewed before. However, the video I intended this footage for I haven’t recorded, and the mega …

Filament of the Month Club Casting Call

Watch Video You can join the Filament of the Month Club if you haven’t already here: https://www.3dpprofessor.com/shop/ If you would like to appear in a future video, you can be the talent in this very bit. Just go here to learn how: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZAcZ034P94 I know someone is going to make some comment about me asking you to beg people for money …

Battle of the File Formats – What is 3MF

Watch the Video No video has broken my heart as much as this one in the recent past. I want this video to do well. This is a message I believe in. This is me, trying to change the world for the better. I wrote a script, spoke in a calm measured tone, and when I got to the editing… …

New ad, new project

Sign up for the 3D Printing Professor Filament of the Month club! http://www.3dpprofessor.com/shop/ Posted by 3D Printing Professor on Tuesday, January 29, 2019 I waited to really push the filament of the Month Club until I had some idea of how it would go. Now I do, so expect to see this ad a lot in my future videos. However, …

2 Nerds talk about Makerspaces

Listen to the interview on story corps Life events have made it difficult to record videos these past two weeks. I say that, buti did record a video, only to have to scrap the whole thing because the footage was unusable. It was really bad. And throwing it out was more than a little disheartening. I’ll pick myself up and …

The Jimmy and Calvin Multi-Color Super Show!

Watch the Video Last night I was recording this week’s video, and just as I’m copying the source to my computer for editing I see a tweet from my buddy Jimmy Shaw that he and Calvin Witt were live streaming. I almost never catch these things while they’re happening, so I jump on, just planning on hitting chat while I …

Free 3D Printed Board – Game Past Yer Pasture Video

Watch Video Okay, I’m gonna put the puns out to pasture. I herd that you’ve had enough of them. So no more of them in this blog post. I’m not kidding. I have a confession. While I have printed out both Pocket Tactics and Breach, I haven’t played them much. They’re a bit dice heavy for me. But I love …

Meta Chess Update, new games, taking a break

I’m giving myself permission not to release a video this week. Probably not next week either. I’ll be back in the second week of the new year. I’m not taking a break, instead I’m doing some much needed prep work to make my videos better. But I’m not sitting around either. After chess fan Isaac Ruben actually played a project …

Absolutely Loving the Monoprice Voxel 3D Printer Video

Watch Video I just realized now similar this thumbnail is to the thumbnail for the Makerbot video. You could seriously get confused about which is which just by looking at them. But hey, if this video gets the sort of view numbers that the Makerbot one is, I’m okay with it. I am so in love with the Voxel that …